Decision Time!

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They were a bit stunned. Maybe a bit sick if you asked me. They looked a bit... Green...

They weren't about to miss an opportunity to eat however. Just as they had done to the first, they ripped the bread in half and began to eat like animals.

"The best way to get close would be through Squad leader Hanji." Uno began, "If you are crazy enough to be facinated by Titans and are okay with capturing and handling them, she'll make you a member of her experimental squad pretty easily."

"Captain Levi would be harder," Number Two added in. "He takes only the best and the toughest. He runs the Special Ops Squad. You need a very high kill count to be able to even be considered!" 

"And hey, there is supposed to be a big expedition coming up soon. Quite a few soldiers will be sent to try and reclaim Wall Maria, it's a fool's errand and doomed to fail... but it may give you the opportunity you need to get some experience and begin your kill-count..."

I had what I needed. I nodded farewell and turned to walk away. 

"Hey kid." I turned. "The man who saved you..."

Hmm, he seemes to be struggling with his words. Number Two seems nervous as well, but that's not anything new anyway.

"What-what was his name?" He seemed a bit scared.

Hmm. I wonder...



They both seemed to do that choke-on-your-words thing everyone around here does when they're surprised or pissed off. It seemed to be the first one this time.

I smirked and began to walk off. He put two and two together like it was a ship that he wanted to sail. 

"Th-thank you for the bread!" I turned my head back again. They both had a bit of sweat at their temple's. Number Two had spoken and Uno looked constipated. 

Apparently the fact that Humanities Strongest felt the need to save my life makes me worthy of their respect all of a sudden...


I smirked again and turned to walk off, with a bit of sass this time. 

"Just remember who's giving up their share so you can eat!" 

I hear an undignified choke from behind me and then a struggle like Number Two is trying to keep Uno from snapping my neck.

I'm holding a smirk as I walk off.

Today, I give my heart to Humanity.


Or what's left of it anyway.

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