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Jordyn's P.O.V.

I sat in the plane waiting until I had to get off and go to hell. I mean it wasn't exciting. It was actually quite terrifying.

"Please buckle your seatbelts as we prepare for landing." the pilot said.

I sat down and thought about how I got here. That one puff, and one sip. Not to mention the last cut. I know they say its wrong, bet every one of those reasons feel so right. I mean, they are bad for me, but so is life and society, and we still have that. I sit there contemplating these thoughts, and plug in my headphones to my iPhone and turn on Black Veil Brides. I listen for a short time, and then find that we have landed. I grab my carry on and get off the plane.

I got to the checkpoint and looked for the baggage claim for L.A. I find it and grab my stuff. I went outside and called for a cab. I finally found one and got in.

"Where to m'am?" he said politely

"42 Leafold Way." I reply

We drive for about 10 minutes and then we get to a large facility.

"You sure this is the place you want?" he says, eyeing the place

"Yes thank you." I replied, and handed the money. I step out and grab my stuff, then head into the rehab where I will be living for a while.

Mariah's P.O.V.

I was driving to the place where my friend is making me go. I am really excited. Not. I don't think I have a problem that others should know about. I mean, a lot of it is due to certain other people.

But none the less I decided to go for her. I put on a CD of Marina and the Diamonds. Dang I love that girls voice. I have a 2-hour drive ahead of me. I sip some of my starbucks. I figured might as well enjoy it while I have it. I hope I meet a new friend there. Also a boy, did I mention I'm single. I brace myself for the long, lonely car ride into more misery.

Niall's P.O.V.

I have to take a 12-hour flight and I am not a happy Irish boy about it. I mean, I'm just going to some rehab because my mom thinks I have a big drinking problem. I don't drink that much........okay, yes I do. But I have to leave my friends and Uni, and my hometown. And frankly I have never been this far from home, for so long. I think I might die. But I am looking forward to finding a girl there. I decide that i need to sleep and quickly doze off. When I sleep, I sleep for a long time apparently, because when I woke up, everyone was leaving. I grabbed my backpack full of snacks and head off for luggage. I look for the L.A. luggage line and see another girl there. I see she has an adress on a paper. I look at it and realize that it is the same adress that I am headed to. I smile a little seeing that I wasn't the only one that flew these airlines. I grabbed my stuff and a taxi, told the man the adress, and headed off. We got there in about 15 minutes. I got out, grabbed my stuff out, and got inside to my new home.

Zayn's P.O.V.

I knew I smoked a little bit, but I did not smoke as much as my ex thought. But because she was the "queen" she signed me up for a rehab in L.A. Of course its like 2 streets away. I dumped her the day she told me, but they said you cannot not attend, because they will find you and bring you back. Scary right? Anyway, I packed my things, and walked to the facility. Honestly I was scared of what I would find when I walked in. But I got up my courage, and walked straight into hell.

Harry's P.O.V.

I swore I told no one of my problems, but somehow my mom got a call about them and immedialely signed me up for the nearest rehab. Which happened to be in the next town over, so I took the train later that day. Two suitcases in hand, I boarded the weird train and took a seat that had no one around it. It took about 30 minutes, but it dropped me off right at the facility. I got my stuff, took a big breath, and walked into the scariest place I have ever been..

Louis' P.O.V.

Why does everyone expect me to always be the happiest one there. A lot of times I'm the opposite actually. Thanks mom and dad. I have been thinking a lot lately about stupid things that could hurt me. Which is why I signed myself up for a rehab place in L.A. I know it won't be fun, or nice, but it's better than me hurting myself. I pack my bags and head off on an hour long car ride. I get there, park my car, and walk inside hoping for the best. Boy was I wrong!



Hi guys, it's my first story so please don't hate. Leave a vote and a comment on who you think I should pari for couples. I have an idea, but I want you guys to have a part in this too. I will try to update often :)


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