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Lmao Danny seems to cuss so much more when nobody else does in the entire fic. Also, I've never written this much Draco before? Like? He's actually a really fun balance to write with sarcastic Muggle Danny? I hope I didn't make him OOC though, agh. And let's pretend ectoplasmic ice doesn't melt.

I blame FallingNarwhals and punkhalfghosts for sucking me into ectodragon hell. Plus, ectodragon prompts on Tumblr. Also, can we take a moment to acknowledge how crappy Cursed Child was? I mean, I guess if it was an actual book I wouldn't be complaining so much, you honestly think Harry, who finally has a family who loves him even more than he knows, would actually denounce his love for his son?


Ah, well.

Harry Potter and Danny Phantom don't belong to me.

Enjoy :D



No matter how much Danny thought about how ignorant he was, Draco was quite the opposite.

Draco noticed things; he noticed how Danny would excuse himself on every date. He noticed how Danny would open the door into the train car and glance at him with excited yet weary eyes with those damned shadowy bags under them. He noticed how Danny always had a pouch of salt in his pocket and would throw it over his shoulder whenever Draco did something vaguely magical. He noticed how Danny avoided the topic of his father's "boss" and the mass amount of deaths that were left in Voldemort's wake. He noticed how Danny would slip out of bed for to disappear.

But unlike most of Draco's other flings, Danny would come back. And unlike Draco's other flings, Danny would carefully lift the blanket up, slide next to him, and wrap thin, cold, strong arms around him.

So Draco let it slide.


He cut the burger in half, Danny raising an eyebrow at him. "Dude. If you're gonna be in America, be a fucking American," he commented.

"And how would you do that, Fenton?"

"Do something your dad would rip you for. Like, drop your napkin on the floor or something."

Draco rolled his eyes and slurped his...'Coke'. "Father would murder me for that," he replied. "Happy?"

His boyfriend sat back, a satisfied smirk curled on his face. "Hap-"

A violent plume of air escaped Danny's lips like he'd just smoked a thick cigar. He slapped his hand over his mouth and shot out of his seat. "I've gotta go to the-"

"Bathroom?" Draco finished.

Danny nodded and sprinted to the men's room.

Draco sighed and leaned back in his seat. He'd tell him about his 'Phantom' business one day.


Bellatrix snatched his wrist and dragged him into the "throne room", Draco stumbling and composed himself as soon as he saw the awaiting Voldemort. The Dark Lord rose from his cathedra after a brief moment. "Draco," he murmured. "I see you've been having fun with the Muggles."

Draco flinched.

"My Lord, I have been merely studying the half-gho-"

Voldemort slid his chair in and paced the floor, an aura of danger seeping into the room. Draco, like the sensible boy he was, shut up. "It takes a liar to know a liar. So, do tell me..." He stalked to Draco and looked him down with a withering stare. He fought the urge to quiver. "...if I was so merciful as to grant you a sparing glance because of your family's devote loyalty to me, then please explain your 'studies'."

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