The Voices in the Wind Told Me to

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The warm summer sun caresses against my skin as a breeze picks up lightly. I can hear the whispers of the wind mingling with the makings of Mother Nature and swirling with the whispers of voices that I hear. I turn in every direction of the vast pasture that I am standing in, there is no one else yet I hear voices murmuring, some louder than others. Faint words stand out but not long enough for me to catch what they are saying. I see a house and barn structure in the distance and start to walk towards them both. My chains clink together as I walk, the black stripes on my jumpsuit soaking in the sun while the starch white reflect them away, leaving my body battling for temperature acclamation.

Walking closer to the house. I see a woman standing in a taller patch of the field bent over picking flowers. She puts each flower she is picking inside the basket that is laid at her feet. Her hair blows in the breeze, the salmon colored dress rippling against her legs framing her backside. I groan. It has been so long since I have experienced carnal pleasure with a woman. The sheer need and desire ripple through me and the voices get louder, they frenzy against my ear drums. "Take her. Touch her. Beat her. Strangle her. Mutilate her." Each command as quick and punctuated as the last. Shaking my head to try and clear out the words, to somehow shake away these damnable people I keep hearing.

I stand there staring at the woman, my lust, no the need to do those commands grows. I force myself to shut my eyes and focus on something else. My mind drifts back to the courthouse. The hearing is still sharp in my head. Sitting back straight. The wooden chair causing murder to my backside. I shift uncomfortably. "D.A. you have the floor." The judge remarked. A portly man standing about 6 feet and 2 inches stands up with a fluid ease. I think to myself about how a man that obese could possibly get his fat gluteus maximus off the chair that quickly and effortlessly. I fight the urge to chuckle and his obscenely ridiculous ability to get up like someone of a proper size.

The whispers start all around the room commanding me to let out my laughter. To tell them I enjoyed taking that girl in the woods and she enjoyed it too. All way gasping for air as my hand stayed wrapped around her pretty little neck. I remember the lights fading from her eyes as I finished roughly inside her. I shiver in my chair and realized they were speaking to me. I look up at the fat man. "What?" I inquired. "Did you know Ms. Parker?" He repeated. "No, but they do." I answered honestly. "Who are they?" Fat man asks me. "The people that told me she wanted me. Wanted me to touch her." I replied simply. "Are they here now?" He inquired. "Yes, they come and go as they please. I can never see um come or go though. So there isn't any point in looking around in here for um. I just hear what they gotta say." I explained. The people in the courtroom started making noise, shifting in their seats all discontent with what I said. The judge banged his gavel and started screaming order several times. "Bailiff take this man back to lock up and get him in a jacket. We got ourselves a nutcase." The judge commanded.

Shaking my head, I come around from the day dream. The woman starts her way towards the house and I follow behind her slowly, taking my time. I hope and pray that she is alone out her. I don't want nobody interrupting us. I want her to be special. She makes it into the house and I run briskly towards the barn. Sliding in between the opening of the doors swinging back and forth in the wind. Their hinges creak and croak sounding like a stone grinder in my ears. I grimace and bristle at how her barn is under kept. The first sign that she is alone. I look around and take in the surroundings. The barn has two horse stalls on either side of the wall all the way in the back. Up by me are several work benches and against the walls in a U shape are shelves with tools. The tools are beat up and old. They look like that have not been moved in some time.

I grin, my luck is continuing to grow. My second sign this woman is alone. I look to the left of the tools and see a box marked DAD. I decide to go by the tools first. I grab a big pair of cutters. Hoping they aren't rusted shut. I force them open and lube up the bolt on both ends with the single can of oil that was left unadulterated on the work bench. I slam the cutters shut and hear the loud crack break the silence. I know my smile is wide. My crooked teeth, yellowed with age and use basking in their full glory for any to see. I open the cutters again forcefully hearing the clicking start to fade. I continue to open and close the cutters like a giant pair of hair clippers or sheers for sheep wool. They open and close with ease now. The clicking completely gone from existence whereas only seconds ago it was loud and laboring like a pregnant animal. I turn them towards my wrists and set the brace links in between the cutter hooks and press against one side of the cutters leaning against the wall with the other side and push with all my 190 pounds. The link breaks off. I let out a loud yes. I cut off quickly. Remembering the woman in the house only yards away. I didn't want her to know I was here for her yet. I wanted to take her by surprise.

I move to my feet, cutting into those chains with a lot more ease than the wrist cuffs. There link went through the cutters like a knife with butter. Throwing them aside they hit the floor with a loud thunk. The sound satisfying my manly needs, I walk over to the box marked DAD and open it. Inside were clothes, heavily ravaged by age, and even animal. I dump it out and sort through it quickly finding a shirt and pants that weren't too ragged. Luck on my side yet again, for finding clothes that fit me. I finger the clothes pausing for a moment. The feeling of freedom crosses fleetingly through my mind. The voices start a frenzy against my ears. I press against my head, pressing tightly down wishing and hoping for them to shut up. God they made my head thrum and pound. The constant pressure of my brain against my skull must be bad for me. Slowly they quiet and I resume my task. I strip off the jump suit, I take a moment to stand proudly in that barn, and I turn towards the opening of the barn and catch movement. I get ready to rush them and stop short realizing it's a mirror I stare at my reflection. My hair a greasy, straggly mess. My facial hair unkempt and wildly bunched about my jaw and upper lip. I snarl at the mirror. Then I move to my body. I smile. I lost weight while in the joint. Gained some muscle. Taking her will be easy for sure. Those thoughts make my member twitch with life and the voices come back full swing. "Take her! Strangle her! Touch her! Violate her! Mutilate her!" Louder and crisper than before. I groan as my body comes to life at the voices and I stand in the mirror erect in more places than one.

I pull the clothes on in a frenzied fashion. My hands shake in excitement. I slip out of the barn and run to the house. I yip with delightful glee that this part of the house has no windows, just a back door with a small four paned window on it. No others. The world even wants me to have her. She wants me. The voices want me to have her. I want to have her. I break the glass of the window that is closest to the handle with my fist, pieces of glass slice my skin causing a burning sensation to run across the tops of my right hand and blood starts to bead out. I focus away from that and back to my first intention. I bring the door open and go through the thresh hold of the door.

I walk into the kitchen and I hear a loud bang echo through my ears and ring inside my head, the voices are silenced. I look up fully taking in my surroundings. I was so focused on getting in the house I didn't see the woman in her salmon colored dress standing in the hallway. The house seemed familiar. The woman seemed familiar. I start to feel strange and my head begins to whoosh. My heart pounding in my ears. I look down and see blood starting to pool against the grey shirt I had found, it matting against my stomach. The pain hits quickly and my knees give out dropping me to the floor in a pose of submission. I look up at the woman confused. She was holding a gun against her stomach now, the butt lay flat against her show casing Lil Red. I knew that gun. That was my gun...

She walked closer to me. "Hello daddy. I knew you would come back the voices said you would. The voices told me to shoot you. Just like your voices told you to hurt me. To hurt mama. To hurt all them ladies. Well. I got to you first daddy." She smiled sadly. "I wanted to do this for a long time daddy." She raised the gun to my head and pulled the trigger without hesitation. "Bye daddy." The last thing I registered aside from the shot ringing through me was the voices made me do a lot of things. 

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