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I dedicate this chapter to my bestie #SeverelyTwisted i ♡ u gonna miss you when you leave.
Please vote comment do your thaang!

I went to the girls room after that call from hell. I looked in the mirror and all I saw was a girl who used to eat lunch in the library and now eats in the cafeteria with a rich hottie.

How did this all happen? One day normal next the school gossip! Oh! My parents what are they gonna say I am not allowed to date and now I am dating the schools gossip, what was I thinking?

But I like him and the last time I spoke to them about boys was second grade that was eight years ago they must know I like boys and date so what the hell is happening, I am losing my self.

"Stella keep it together." I muttered to myself.  Immediately pulled out my phone and sent Justin a text.

♡ Justin ♡

What the hell I just got a call from some chic saying I should stay away from you because you are hers and by the way the whole school knows. Did you tell your friends? We have only been dating three days and already I recieved a call from this chic! We need to talk soon come over tonight.


I sat and starred at the message for what seemed like forever when I finally sent it to him. Now to call Natasha and Nikki they always know how to cheer me up.


Hey Stel have you heared the gossip about you and Justin?
Hi Natasha kinda what did you hear?
All I know is some fan girl of his is going bananas because you two are dating and the whole school is talking and posting about it.
Oh my gosh my parents are gonna know and-
Stella stop ranting to me talk to him, embrace it you only have a boyfriend when you say yes!
Seriously Tasha this isn't funny!
Sort it out with him. Bye girlfriend see ya at lunch.
But wait-

*call ended*

Lets phone Nikki she always gives bad advice but boy can she talk you into feeling better!


Hi Stella did you hear?
Yes Nikki what should I do its all over the school?
Well you should definitely accept it as it comes and you know be ready to face the fan girls who will want to kill you but don't fear I will protect you with my mad karate skills. But you are definitely gonna need a makeover fast 'cause now the whole school knows, you must look like a queen. We are going to the most exclusive stores tomorrow. We are skipping school-
Wait I am not skipping school to look like a queen we can go today okay?
Fine we can I love shopping and doing fun things.
Nikki I have to go.
You know my airtime is gonna run out and your allowance only comes through tomorrow so bye!

*call ended*

Nikki made me feel slightly better to think this might be a good thing.


♡ Bae ♡

I think I know who threatened you...


Oh my gosh I am goinggirlfriend crazy right about now. It feels as if I might be endanger of losing my boyfriend with his stupid fan club, I will be competing for my own boyfriend now even if he has chosen me they haven't stopped yet.

The mall with Nikki was fun until we got to the till and the young lady who was working there was part of my boyfriend's fan club. And also she was rude as can be.


So here I am on my to Stella's house to talk about my fan club, which by the way is a real popularity booster none of the guys have been able to touch me since eight grade so thats awesome I used to be the guy the jocks picked on but now I am the popular one so I get left alone by the guys. But let me tell you that I also hate my stupid fan club because they get in the way of my relationships.

And turn right, here I am. I walk toward the door and surprisingly Stella jumped out on top of me. "Hi my babes what just happened? You kinda hurt my ass there a little." O said with a laugh.

"Sorry my baby I thought you would catch me not both of us rolling down the stairs." She said as earnestly as she possibly could.

We walked in and went to the kitchen. "Justin want some hot chocolate or anything to eat I have everything here from hot chocolate to canned peaches, take your pick." She said a bit side tracked on why I was here but thats fine.

"I don't want anything thanks but you can give me something else..." I said with a smirk.

"And what is that gonna be?" She asked and the backed up,  "no way am gonna sleep with you unless you have popped the question." Gesturing to her ring finger.

"Can we go talk in your room because your parents are about to come home in so ten minutes and then you in trouble." I said with a knowing nod.

We got up and went to her room. It was very tidy and organised and very white almost vintage white it was a nice room.

I grabbed her around the waist and she let me pull her close till our noses touched and then the front door opened with her parents and then we broke apart. So close to kissing her but yet so far.

"Her name is Isabel and she is my ex from hell, and won't  leave you alone or me. So that is who she is." He said in a voice so low I barely heard him.

"Sweetheart come down here!" Her mother called.

"You have to go out the window." She said in a longing voice obviously wanting me to stay. Then she smiled.

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