chapter 2

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"Jess!!!" This time my mom yells at me.

"Calm down! I'm coming, sheesh!!!" I yell back at her as I walk downstairs. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I look at myself one last time before I enter the kitchen. My feet move in a slow pace. When I arrive at the kitchen, all heads turn to me, but only 1 face catches my attention... Harry's face. I smile at my guests.

" Goodness Jessica! I saw you a month ago at church, and a month later, your all ready so different!" Harry's mom, Natalie pulls me into a tight hug and my parents and Kevin ( Harry's dad) all laugh. When she lets go, Kevin comes to say hello and also hugs me.

" Jessica, you probably don't remember Harry since last time you saw each other was at your 4th birthday, so 14 years ago! " Kevin says looking at me and his son.'

" Hi. It's nice to see you again, Jess!" I reach in to shake his hand but instead he pulls me in for a hug! When he lets go, I smile awkwardly since our parents were watching us.

" Erm, ya nice to finally see you again." There's an awkward silence for a while. " Well mom, I promised my friends I'd meet them at the park now, so I have to go! Harry if you want you could come to?" I don't know why, but I hope he doesn't come!

" Sure, it will be fun to meet your friends!" Why would it be fun to meet my friends? It's like he's staying here forever!!!

" Ok so lets go! Natalie, Kevin it was so nice to see you guys again! And don't worry, I'll take good care of your son" I sarcastically laugh and look at my phone for the time.

" Um for your information, I know how to take care of myself! If anyone should be taking good care, its me! I will take good care of you!" He comes closer to me, and I move away. We both start to laugh at each other. I hope he stays for not to much time because I don't like his presence. My body burns at how close he is to me, has he ever heard of personal space?

" Ok you two have a fun time. If you get home Jess, and all of us aren't here, it means we left to a bar! Maybe you two could go somewhere after the park?" My mom suggests

" Ya have fun but not to much fun! And Harry be careful with my daughter and don't do anything to her!!" My dad gives Harry a threatening look to try to scare the shit out of him. We all end up laughing except Harry, he stays quiet and lets out a small smile.

" Dad, shut up would you! Your gonna scare him and I just left a relationship 3 days ago, so I'm not ready for another one." Everyone stays quiet and stairs at me... I just look at the floor remembering the great memories of that past. A year was wasted with a guy I thought I would be with forever but I was wrong...

After that weird staring session, Harry and I wave goodbye. I put on a pair of white wedges and I bring a grey sweater in case it's chilly. When we get outside, I hold the sweater in my hand considering it's 28 degrees! This thing between me and Harry sounds like it will be lots of fun... He acted like a total angel in my house but trust me, looking at his tattoos, he ain't even close to being a saint!! It's attractive on him the tattoos, I actually don't like guys with tattoos but this curly haired freak just makes them work! I don't know why I just thought that! No one can make tattoos work, right? Hopefully he will go soon for my brain to work better and I will be more focused!!


(plz vote and read and comment!! ily all bye!!)

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