chapter 7

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I walk into the mall walking straight passing the food court and many other stores. I arrive at Pink but I could see the bright pink from a distance and the dog from outside with a stand beside saying there is a sale going on! I walk on into the store and a couple of beautiful, young girls come up to me asking if I need any help and I thankfully so "no not right now". I look around in the back of the store where the home things are, trying to find the bed spread I want. I reach the section with all bedroom things and I spot the floral print, purple bed set. I go to where it is to take a better look and it's the one I've been looking for. It's exactly perfect like I imagined it: the bed spread is black and white cheetah print and from the back of it, it is black with pink and purple flowers. Then for the sheets it's a light purple and the 2 long pillows match everything else! I pick the package up but then it is taken out of my arms, what the fuck? I turn around to see Harry examining the bag and giving it a weird face

" Umm I was holding that, give it back!"

" Here you can have it. I would never want that floral mess!"

" Excuse me? It's not a mess, it's beautifully perfect!!!!!!!"

" For you it is and maybe every other girl but for me it just hurts my eyes. So much going on, and so very girly! Dudes would just get a black or blue bed thing and we would be happy but you girls go to 20 stores to just find this 1 ugly mess!" He's hilarious

" Oh Harry. Only you would start a fight like this over a bed spread. It's hard to argue with you cuz your little fights make me laugh not get mad. You have to try harder if you want to get me mad!" I take the bag from him, and give him a sarcastic, sweet smile and walk away from him to another section in the store. He starts to follow me with out saying another word but before I started moving I heard him say a rude comment to himself probably about me or the bed spread. I stop at a wall with other things for decoration for my home and every room in it. I pick up some things that I need that I still forgot to buy and just some extra stuff. I find the matching pillows to the bed and I grab a couple of them.

" Are you almost done here?" Harry asks me. He pulls out his phone and I am assuming to check the time.

" Are you almost done being annoying?' I'm so good. That was a good come back, I think at least haha!

" Shut up. You still have so much to learn in life if you want to actually talk some good shit. So don't come to my face and start acting cool cuz your not." Ouch. That was a knife going through my chest. There goes my self confidence cuz of this ass but I cant let it go cuz I am better then that. I'm strong so he cant push me down! I smile at him and roll my eyes, continuing to walk away. I think he should go, he's doing nothing good here for me and himself.

" You could go really. I'll text you when I'm done my shopping. You could go to another store or somewhere other than here! Ok?"

" Fine but don't take to long cuz if you do, I'll leave you here and then you have to find a ride home!"

" Fine, it's better then being here with you! Bye!!!!!' I wave my hand like a little kid would do when mocking another person and I turn my head around and continue what I was doing. I hear his heavy boots, walk across the store floor and out of the doors, finally! Now I could be in peace and quiet without him. I start to look at the clothing and I know I don't need more clothes but I'm a girl, and I always love more, new clothes!!! There's a rack with plenty of yoga pants, work out t-shirts, and sweaters so I go over there and take a look. I grab a pair of black yoga pants with a pink band on top saying "PINK" in sparkly pink letters, 3 tank tops: 1 white, the 2nd pink, and the 3rd blue, then a purple crop top with the Pink dog symbol on the front in black, and 2 sweaters: 1 is grey with "PINK" on the side and the dog symbol and then a black one, plain in the front and "PINK" in silver letters on the back! I love shopping!!!!! I put the things in the bag that I have in my hand with all the other home décor things. There's a sale on bras and panties " 5 for $25" so I go take a look at them and get 5 panties and 5 bras. My bag is full and I do a mental check in my head, making sure I have everything I need so I walk over to the cashier and take all my things out of the bag and place it on the counter for the lady to scan. She folds everything nicely into many bags and tells me my total, I give her the money, thank her and take my bags and leave.

( Hey sorry I haven't updated in a very long time but heres chapter 6! enjoy ily all byeeeeee)

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