Chapter Three

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Trail of death

Louis feet squished upon the muddy ground. His white converses were now ruined due to the dirt smeared on them. He willed his tired legs to keep moving. He didn't even think twice about where he was going when he followed the filthy trail. He had been so scared of the driver, wanting to escape, he followed the first trail he saw in hopes to get into the camp. Now though, he was regretting it.

He felt a sharp pain course through his foot as he looked down to see a sharp looking plant digging in the side of his ankles. He cursed silently as he plucked it out, wincing from the sharp sting of the needles. His night just wasn't getting any better.

The sound of a twig snapping froze him in fear. 'Shit' he thought. Was the driver back? Was he finally going to kill him? Right here. In the woods. The thought had his legs moving faster than they ever had in his life.

He ran through out the tangled woods, branches scraping at his face and carving into his skin. The sting of the scratches were nothing compared to the rush of adrenaline in his veins. He jumped over a log and nearly face planted into the ground. His hands held the branch tightly as he regained his balance. He ran again.

The harsh wind slapped at his cheeks, the nights cold sending shivers down his arms arising goosebumps. Sweat rolled down his back, stomach on fire. He didn't dare look back, afraid of what he might see.

But after 10 minutes of non stop sprinting, curiosity got the better of him as he snapped his head back hastily. His eyes only caught sight of the dark night. Nothing. He knew it was a bad idea but his legs were killing him. He slowed down. Louis struggled to catch his breath, lungs burning from the run. He panted heavily, his hands placed on his wobbly knees.

Once his breathing was back to normal, his head perked up at the sound of laughter. Louis head snapped up and surely enough if he squinted hard enough, he could make out a blaze of yellow and orange light. A campfire! With this thought in his head excitement coursed through his veins as he made his way, following the glow.

Louis reached a large wooden sign that read "Camp IY". He laughed in happiness and relief for he had finally found the camp! He was finally free. He could now find a way home from here. Now all he had to do was call his mom and assure her that he was safe. God, he was safe. His eyes filled with happy tears as he jogged to the big building just meters away.

Louis stepped foot in the seemingly endless department. The marble of the floor shined brightly, reflecting his dishevelled appearance right back at him. Louis let his eyes wander to the giant beige walls. Wooden framed portraits hung proudly revealing old landscapes. An antique looking chandelier glimmered from atop the high ceiling.

Louis walked up to a black island desk. 'This was probably the registration table' he thought. The place was empty, no sign of life any where. Anxious for help Louis rung the little bell that was placed on the slick desk. The chime echoed throughout the room. Louis imagined the sound bouncing on the walls, back and forth. He tapped his foot impatiently waiting for service of some kind.

"Hello" Louis called out. "Is anyone here?" Nothing. Just the echo of his own voice. "I'd really like some service yanno" Louis chucked almost nervously. The dark building was giving him the creeps.

Behind the large desk were two humongous oak doors, painted black. Their golden handles glistened brightly catching his attention. Maybe he was suppose to open it. Louis squeezed his bum past the desk and gently pushed the handles. The door slowly creaked open.

"What the..." Louis investigation was interrupted abruptly by a cheery voice.

"Hello, may I help you?" A boy with tousled brown hair and large grin came into view. His loud voice caused Louis to jump and slam the door shut with his back.

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