Chapter Four

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Campfire Tales

The ice of the wind leaves a chill of cold on Louis cheeks. His feathered hair dances rapidly on his head, tickling behind his ears. After Liam persuaded Louis that he should stay overnight, he led him outside to meet everyone in the camp. He couldn't wait to go and sit by the campfire. The cold was too much too bear and he snuggled deeper into his light denim jacket.

The smell of roast chicken had his mouth watering. Louis stomach gave a definite growl that probably would of been embarrassing if not for the wind carrying the sound away. The heads of laughing people turned as Louis stepped in view. He was mildly surprised to see so many people looking his age. He'd expected it to be younger kids and teens considering camp wasn't something he did in his free time. Willingly. But here they were, staring placidly back at him.

Liam coughed loudly to get everyone's attention before announcing Louis arrival. "Ladies and gentleman I'd like to announce a new forth comer to our pleasant group." His mouth twisted upwards before continuing, "Here we have Louis and he will be joining us tonight due to an unfortunate event, so I hope you can all welcome him into the group wholeheartedly." Louis waved awkwardly and turned to Liam. What now? He just smiled and pointed to an empty seat near a heart faced and giddy blonde, as if reading his mind.

Louis strides over and plots down carefully. He fiddles with his fingers before awkwardly turning to the silent heads looking at him. His mind works over drive, trying to think of something to say. He doesn't need to think too hard before a blonde boy with brunette roots throws a miniature orange his way. The sudden throw startles him, but his reflexes are quicker and he catches it with the flick of a wrist.

"Thanks...?" He questions.

"It's Niall, thought you'd be hungry." The boy offers, voice thick with an obvious Irish accent.

Before he can stop himself, he asks "You're irish?" Confusion is laced in his question but Niall doesn't seem to mind.

"Yup. Parents dropped me off from Dublin, in hopes to become a better boy. They want me to stop being so "wreck less"." He air quotes and a few people from the circle chuckle. Louis finds himself smiling also. There's something about the boys carefree tone and grand hand gestures that has him on Louis' good side immediately.

"I think the last straw was pulled when I snook in after school, with a few buds, and set loose 25 tarantulas in Mrs. Butlers class."

Louis eyes widen impressed by this prankster. A man of his own heart he is. "You did what!?"

Niall chuckles loudly. "Yeah mate ya shoulda' seen er face! Was like her whole bloody family was murdered! The security tapes in school caught onto us eventually, but it was so worth it though.but now I'm here." Niall relaxes back Into his seat, having leaned forward when telling his story excitedly. "So what's your story Louis? What landed you in this shit hole? Got anything interesting to tell us?" Everyone is now leaning forward in their seats, waiting in anticipation. And Louis. Well Louis is not one to disappoint.

"Actually I've got an even better story." He smirks when he sees Niall's eyebrows raise. He pauses dramatically before starting with a low, spooky tone. "It's was just a regular day of shopping with my mo- er friends, when a big yellow van just stopped by. I had just gotten out of the shop and was waiting for my mom to come out too."

He's interrupted when Niall says, "Wait your mom?" Realizing his embarrassing mistake, he mentally face palms. He's quick to recover though, getting back on ground.

"Sorry, I meant my friends." A raven haired boy with jaws that could cut steel snickers not-so-quietly behind his jumper.

Once they've calmed down Louis smiles and continues. "So I was waiting and like the bus just suddenly," he drops his hands down, palms flat in the air, "stopped. And I was like, well it probably going to like pick up someone, but it was weird cause it was just in the street, blocking the traffic, although there was none at the time surprisingly. But all the suddenly, the back door just opened up. Like not even the sides but the back. And like I peeked over and there were like two loooong seats on each side with people sitting in them. But it wasn't just regular people." Louis moves his eyes around to everyone of them before continuing. "They were all smiling creepily at me. It seemed like their smiles reached forever," he lowers his voice, "like it never stopped." And they waved their hands at me to come in-"

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