Chapter One

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Unknown Ride

It's a hot day and Louis not in the mood for patience. His mom told him she was done shopping and just had to pay so he exited the shop and crossed the street waiting for her. He lifts his hands to his face cupping it to prevent the glaring sun from his eyes in hopes to see if his mum is out of the shop yet.

His stomach growls hungrily reminding him that he's yet to eat breakfast. McDonald's is just a block up the street and he's debating whether or not to just ditch and go there. He's about to walk up when a long yellow bus like van stops right in front of him.

The back of the bus is completely open and there are two rows of leather seats on each side. Very happy people are smiling back at him telling him to come in for a free ride. He faintly hears some cheery clowny carnival music from the inside. It seems like a party. The outside of the large bus is decorated with splotches of different paint colours and the top is lined with a row of 5 large black windows.

It's a cute bus but it give him a bit of an uneasy feeling so he shakes his head no to the offer. But everyone is waving their hands for him to come in and he looks over to see his mom still not out of the shop and decides "why the hell not" and jumps right in.

He points to the road and tells the driver he wants to stop at McDonald's, but the driver doesn't turn to look at him or hear him. As they are about to pass McDonald's he gets up to open the door and ask to leave for he has reached his stop, but the back of the bus immediately shuts.

The yellow of the walls peel into black and all laughter is dissipated. The carnival music is no longer on and Louis is frozen from dread. The bus starts to move faster as everyone sits eerily silent in their seats with stone like expressions.

Louis is panicking as his mind comes up with every possible scenario and none ending well. The bus keeps on going and turns down a street he's never seen before. Soon he sees trees appearing as they head into a road with the forest. Tall pine trees are on each side of the road looming up high cascading shadows on the ground.

His eyes catch movement as he sees the faceless driver shrug on a slick black trench coat and put on some black gloves. Louis heart is beating so fast and he feels faint. There's a rustle as the driver try's to grab something from the seat. Louis eyes widen with horror when he sees just what that is. A black garbage bag.

He doesn't know what is going on but if its what he thinks it is.. oh god oh god, he's panicking as his eyes widen and his grip on the seat tightens. He's so scared that he feels like if he moves the driver is going to rip his throat at any second.

Or maybe even one of the frozen people. Realization hits him as to what is about to happen and he punches his fist to the windows in hopes to break it and jump out. But no, nothing happens. It doesn't even make a sound. Just tiny bumps on the steel hard plastic window. His heart is beating so hard in his chest and he's regretting stepping on this bus so bad he's crying.

He's full on sobbing because if he wasn't such a pig and had just walked to McDonalds or waited for his mum this wouldn't have happened. Oh god! His mum! What was she going to do, when she came out and he wasn't there, or at home? What was she going to do when they searched for him and he wasn't found, or better yet sliced and chopped into a black bag in the depths of the woods never to be seen again?

His tears are flowing like a river as he bites his cheek to keep from crying out. He is so scared of making a noise to alert anyone. So many questions are running through his head. Who are these people? Why are they so quiet? Where is he going? Obviously he is going to be killed but how?

He has to get out of here, but he sees no escape. There is only one door and that was the back one that had shut and locked him in. It is locked shut with 5 large steel handles clasping it tight.

Yeah, he defiantly can't get out that way. The windows are obviously not an option so he looks around desperately for another way. When he doesn't see anything, he goes to desperate measures and nudges the silent boy beside him. He has dark brown hair, cut short in a buzzcut.

The boy doesn't even flinch as Louis shakes his arm. Getting more scared Louis slaps the boys cheeks, the sound echoing in the silent room. But no one moves, not even the boy. Louis doesn't know what else to do. A horrible thought creeps to his head and although it is scary enough to make him piss his pants, he knows he has to do it. He is going to fight the driver. Whether he has a knife or a gun, it is worth trying to escape.

As soon as he is about to get up, his body came to a halt as he feels a force of pressure to his lower abdomen. The wind is knocked out of him as his head slams onto the wall of the bus. When he looks down he seems a giant belt that seems to of come out of nowhere wrapped around him holding him firmly in place.

He must be dreaming. This has to be some horrible nightmare and he's going to wake up any second now and see his mums face again. But it's not. It's not just a piteous dream, this is reality. He is in a bus about to get kidnapped by god knows who and killed, and he can't do a thing to save himself.

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