The Signs as Love Quotes

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"You are still my favourite yet most painful story to tell."


"In the end we won't remember the most beautiful face and body. We'll remember the most beautiful soul."


"Just remember when you're ignoring her, you're teaching her to live without you."


"My parents warned me about the drugs in the streets but never the ones with with hazel eyes and a heartbeat."


"True love isn't about finding someone who never lies. It's about finding someone who honestly means something to you. It's when you see someone and you fall head over heels over them and they take over your mind for that very instant and never leave. Perfect love isn't about having a partner with no flaws, it's about accepting their flaws and looking beyond their imperfections."


"People leave you out in the cold and get mad when you learn how to get warm by yourself."


"I love talking to you, ... even if I have nothing to say."


"When I die don't you dare come to my grave and tell me you love me because those words were the only thing I would have needed to stay."


"She didn't need to be fixed, just loved."


"Everything you love will one day kill you, whether it's cigarettes, or drugs, or the boy with brown eyes, they all kill you in the end."


"I didn't fall in love with you. I walked in love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate & destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do things we'd choose anyway & I choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you & I'd choose you."


"We live in a world full of broken hearts and judgmental hypocrites."


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