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Proud... Or attitude or ego .... sometimes sound the same....
May be its different but it's good if you don't have any....

Don't have proud on yourself ...
Whenever you talk whenever you do something don't have proud ...

What are you to feel proud??

You are nothing ... But a creature of the Lord - the Almighty Allah....

He is the only one who bestowed you with everything you have...

So don't think you have got something at your own...

Nothing you would have with you if He wouldn't have bestowed you with his bounty...

Say Alhamdulillah
Remember it's all because of Allah what you're ....

It's mention in the Holy Quran ...

"Don't walk proudly on this earth...
You can neither tear this earth apart...
Nor can you rival the mountains in height.. "

Quran 17:37

Understand this.....

May Allah forgive us...
May Allah bless us with best of knowledge and health...


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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