Chapter 6

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Anastasia POV

The most attractive man I have ever seen is standing there with mussed up hair and gleaming eyes. His voice is deep and seductive. I have met many attractive people here in New York so far, but this man, this man tops the charts. I am not a whore, but I would jump in bed with him in an instant. We lock eye contact and from across the room I can see the small flecks of gold in his deep green eyes, my heart beat accelerates as a small smirk adorns his face and he begins a confident walk towards us.

"Hello, my nephew. It's rare to see you out of the office and walking around. What brings you here?"
Logan says to his nephew. I zone out after that sentence and began to truly admire the Greek god in front of me. His square jaw looks like it has been sculpted by Michelangelo himself, his dark brown hair is messy but styled at the same time, he stands at about 6'4 towering over me, he smells like all things manly and good. He appears very muscular underneath his charcoal grey business suit and I wouldn't mind licking every- "Anastasia? Anastasia??".
I am suddenly snapped back to the present by Logan. I look up at Aiden and I blush bright red. He has a large smirk on his face and he seems to know exactly what I was thinking because I see the humor in his eyes. Logan clears his throat loudly,
"Anastasia, as I was saying: I would like you to meet my nephew Aiden Carter, Aiden, this is my friend, Anastasia Frome".
Logan smiles warmly at me and Aiden sticks his hand out for me to shake. I reach my hand out and grab his. My breath hitches as he squeezes my hand. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Anastasia" Aiden says with a low rumble. I look up and meet his eyes and I see his pupils dilate and his hold on my hand tightens. His hands are soft, but I can tell he has done work outside of an office. I gather my courage, "Please call me Ana, sir."

Aiden's POV

Holy shit. It's the only two words I can put together to describe How I am feeling. I went downstairs expecting a ditzy but attractive blonde, and I got so much more than I bargained for. She is definitely smart if she is friends with my uncle... She zoned out for a little and I couldn't help but think that maybe she wanted me with that faraway look in her eyes... When she took ahold of my hand many images were conjured in my head and I almost pulled her into my arms to ravish her right there in the lobby. When she spoke her voice was smooth like velvet and her beautiful blue eyes gazed into mine- no not beautiful, I never call anyone beautiful. Shit Aiden. Get a grip. You are the one that makes women beg on their knees. Not the other way around. Something about her though... She is so intriguing. "Anastasia... Ana... Please call me Aiden"
I manage to choke out. She offers a small smile and nods. I finally tear my gaze away from her and look at my Uncle Logan. He is staring at me all too knowingly and I smirk at him. He shakes his head no and sighs. Damn him. He knows I want Ana in my bed and he said no. Why the fuck not. I do what I want and who I want. Uncle Logan then look at Ana and sighs again.
"Aiden, we came here so I could retrieve something from my office. But, it is going to take a lot longer than expected. If you are not busy then could you please take Ana job hunting, and get to know her better?"
Logan says. I look over at Ana and she is staring wide eyed at my uncle. "That's ok Logan I can job search another time!! I better get going!"
Ana squeaks out. She turns to walk towards to large front doors but before she can go I grab her arm lightly. She turns and looks frightened. I immediately release my grip on her. "Ana, please. It's no problem at all. I was going to take the rest of the day off anyways"
I lie and smile. She thinks for a second before nodding her head
"Ummm... Alright, thank you... Mr.-.... Umm... Aiden" she speaks with a small smile etched on her face....

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