Chapter Six

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Really hope you like it, Leave your feedback.

Written by zialllover

Niall's Pov:

My friends won't give Zayn a chance, They refuse to believe that he could actually be a good guy. Maybe he has made a few mistakes but we all make mistakes that dosen't mean were bad people, If we don't make mistakes how are we supposed to learn? The boys stated that they'd be going to the party with me tonight, I didn't bother arguing with them, I mean what's the point? The boys insisted that I drive to the party with them and Josh told somebody to tell Zayn I wouldn't be riding with him. Once we'd all gotten ready we met at the parking lot and drove to the party, The second you pulled up you could hear music blaring, People were outside smoking and drinking, Harry parked the car and we all climbed out. The atmosphere of the party shocked me, I'd never been to a party like this before, The moment you walked inside there was a table full of alcohol, Course I'd drank before but never strong drinks like spirits. 

We'd been at the party for at least an hour and a half, I haven't seen Zayn yet, All the boys had gone off with somebody leaving me by myself, I walked around the party feeling lonely, I couldn't help but feel like I didn't fit in at things like this, A sigh fell from my lips. I began walking around attempting to find the rest of the boys, As I was searching for them I came across Zayn, A smile spread across my lips and I began walking towards him until I saw somebody else, Perrie. Zayn had his arms around her waist and they were grinding there bodies together, Zayn's hands ran up and down her sides and giggles were leaving her lips as Zayn whispered into her ear, He then looked up and saw me standing there, He smiled at me but I quickly turned around, I went to walk away but collided with another body.

"Shit! I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed.

"Don't worry about it mate" An unfamiliar voice filled my ears, I looked up to see a boy from my Math class standing there, Beside him was Harry.

"Niall this is Danny, Danny this is Niall" Harry introduced us, Danny smiled before extending his hand to me. 

"Nice to meet you" I said before taking hold of his hand. 

"I'll erm leave you two alone" Harry stated with a smirk. "Zayn's trouble Niall, Forget about him" Harry whispered into my ear as he gave me a quick hug, I nodded my head. "Have fun" Harry commented before walking away. 

"Fancy a drink?" Danny asked, I smiled before nodding my head.

"Yeah why not" I replied, Danny smiled warmly before signaling for me to follow him to the drinks table. 

Danny's great, He's a nice person, A good laugh, He's laid back, And he agrees with me when I say the boys are mad but amazing at the same time. I've found myself actually enjoying the party, I'm laughing and I feel alot more comfortable. 

"Wanna dance?" Danny asked, I nodded my head straight away, I then allowed Danny to take hold of my hand and pull me to the dancefloor, A laugh fell from my lips as we began dancing to the music, Danny placed his hand on my waist and I in return placed my arms around his neck, We began moving our bodies together to the rhythm of the music. Laughs were falling from my lips, I was actually having a good time. 

"Niall" Zayn's voice filled my ears, I looked up to see him standing infront of me, He looked annoyed. "We need to talk" Zayn stated before he grabbed hold of my hand.

"Oi Zayn ease up man" Danny said, Zayn glared at him.

"It's alright" I assured Danny, He nodded as Zayn dragged me away. 

"What's going on Niall?" Zayn questioned as he pulled me into the garden.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well you were meant to dance with me that hasn't happened" Zayn said.

"Yeah well you were a little busy" I commented, Zayn raised an eyebrow before smirking.

"You saw me with Perrie" He said, I nodded, Zayn bit his lip before moving closer to me. "It was a cheeky dance nothing more, I'd rather dance with you" Zayn stated.

"Looked like it" I mumbled, Zayn moved closer to me.

"Are you jealous Niall?" Zayn questioned, I scoffed.

"No" I replied, Zayn smirked before placing his arms around my waist. 

"Good, So you gonna dance with me?" Zayn asked, Without even giving me the chance to reply he pulled me close to him and began grinding his body against mine, I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck. "You look beautiful" Zayn whispered into my ear, A blush spread across my cheek. "I love it when you blush" He added while grazing his lips against my ear lobe.

"I hate it" I whispered, Zayn held me closer to him.

"You shouldn't it's hot, Alot like you" Zayn stated, I looked at him with a smile, Zayn smirked before leaning forward, I quickly moved my head, Zayn raised his eyebrow. "What?" He asked.

"It's just, My friends have told me things about you, They've told me to stay away" I replied, Zayn nodded.

"And do you always do what your friends tell you to?" Zayn questioned, I shook my head. 

"No" I whispered. 

"Then stay still" Zayn stated before leaning forward once again, He then pressed his lips against mine, I could see Louis, Harry, Liam and Josh's faces inside my head, But they quickly disappeared when Zayn slowly slid his tongue along my lower lip, I opened my mouth allowing him to slide his tongue against mine, Zayn quickly pushed me against the wall and began circling his hips against mine, I continued kissing him until I felt his hand slide up my shirt, I quickly pulled away from the kiss before shaking my head. "What's wrong?" Zayn asked.

"I'm not having sex with you, I'm not that easy Zayn, And if that's what you think of me then everyones right about you" I stated feeling nothing but confidence, Zayn smiled before running his fingers through my hair. 

"I don't want you to have sex with me, Your beautiful Niall I just wanna kiss you and get to know you, What's wrong with that?" Zayn questioned.

"Nothing" I replied. 

"Exactly, So how about I take you out tomorrow night? Watch a film? Have some dinner?" Zayn asked, I nodded my head.

"Yeah, That sounds good" I replied with a smile, Zayn chuckled before placing his arm around me. 

"Come on I'll take you home" Zayn said, I nodded my head, We walked out of the party with Zayn's arm dropped around my shoulder, I think people really are misjudging Zayn.

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