Chapter 7

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Sorry for the long wait! Hope you enjoy this! oh! and if you know anyone who would enjoy this story as well please share it with them! Thanks!

WRITTEN BY: Iloveonedirection1D5


The car ride with Zayn was awkward, The whole car was filled with silence except for the radio playing. I had no idea on what to talk about with Zayn, Maybe a 'Hey my friends don't like you" or a 'I don't know who to believe you or my friends?' I couldn't say that! So I just decided on keeping my mouth shut.

"Ill pick you up tomorrow around noon, alright?" Zayn said as soon as he dropped me off at my dorm, I nodded and walked up to my front door. I slightly turned back to check if Zayn was still here, and he was I think he's waiting for me to go inside.I finally got the door to unlock and as I stepped inside and was about to close the door, Zayn blew me a kiss and cheekily smirked and walked off into the hallway.

I never quite thought about telling Louis,Harry,Liam and Josh that I had left, I quite honestly forget that they were there, My mind was clogged up with 'Zayn,Zayn,Zayn,Zayn,Zayn,Zayn' , That was until I got a text message later that night .


Niall! Where are you?! Me and the boys have been searching for you everywhere! 

I gulped...oops? I now felt really guilty on basically ditching my friends, I quickly texted back letting them know I was safely at the dorm room. A few minutes later there was a pounding at the door. I hesitantly made my way to the door and looked through the peep hole, I sighed and opened the door.

Harry,Josh,Louis and Liam all piled into my house yelling at me for leaving the party without giving notice to them. "Why did you leave?" Harry was the first to ask as soon as everyone had silent down and had been seated. "Wasn't feeling too well" I lied

They all raised their eyebrows "Why didn't you tell us?" Josh asked "We could have drove you back here and we could have all settled in for a guys movie night" I felt bad, They really did care about me and i'm here lying to them.

"I guess you guys are right, I just didn't want to bother you guys, It seemed like you were all having a good time" Why do I have to lie to them?! Oh right! So they won't get mad at me for basically leaving them for Zayn. "Niall, We're your friends now, Friends are always there for each other" Louis explained. "Yep, Just like how we're here for you when we tell you to stay away from dangers, that is of Zayn Malik" Harry spat his name out.

Could they know? Could they know that I snuck off with Zayn? "Yeah, Thanks guys" I nervously said in hopes that they were still clueless on the Zayn subject. 

"Guys I'm feeling really tired,plus its 2 am" I yawned rubbing my eyes and Louis,Liam and Josh stood up and headed towards the door "Alright, Goodnight lads" They all said and me and Harry both waved goodbye as they left. 

I yawned and quickly made my way to my bed to get some sleep with Harry trailing behind me to get to his bed. "Night Nialler" I smiled "Night Harry"

The sun had rised in what felt about 5 minutes, I groaned not wanting to get up, I layed there in bed thinking of reasons why I should get up today (I do that except reasons why I should get up for school aha!) I then remember I have a date today! with Zayn!

I quickly got out of bed and hoped into the shower, I soon got out of the shower because Harry hand been banging on the door for me to hurry up. "Finally!" Harry breathed out as I walked out the bathroom, I rolled my eyes as I chuckled when passing by him. 

I made sure to get out my best clothes that I had, I had to dress nice for Zayn! As soon as Harry had walked out the bathroom his eyes landed on me all dressed up "Where you going?"  I turned from the mirror where I was styling my hair "I've got a date at noon" I simply replied and Harry laughed "Why are you getting ready so early? Noon isn't till another 5 hours!"Can't a boy look nice all day?

"I just wanna look nice, might as well be dressed good all day" Harry frowned "Niall, You always look good" I smiled "Thanks Haz" 

"Let me get ready and we could go out to the lounge room and play some Foosball" I nodded, I always loved that game! I was a champion at that game, I always beat my brother and my friends back in Ireland. 

A few moments later Harry walks in all dressed and ready "Lets go?"I nodded and we walked out the dorm room and into our lounge room "I'm so gonna beat your ass in this Horan" Harry teased and I scoffed "I'd like to see you try, I'm the best I've never lost a game back in Ireland" I bragged and Harry rolled his eyes as he chuckled "That was in Ireland Irish boy, This is England, Welcome to the UK"  

"Bring it Styles!" I challenged him and we soon got to playing

After a couple hours or so,We had finished playing and I had won twice and Harry had won 10 times "Cheater!" I yelled out and Harry rolled his eyes "Aww is little Niall Horan upset because he wasn't as good enough as he thought?" Harry mocked in a baby tone and soon reached out to pinch my cheeks, I growled and pulled away from him "Prick" I muttered under my breath.

"Don't hate the player! Hate the game!" He said while laughing, I smacked him across the head "Stop bragging" I pouted and that just made him laugh harder. I took that time to look at the clock, Zayn's gonna be here in an hour! I got to go a freshen up! 

"Harry! Let's go!" Harry raised his eyebrow in confusion but he did not question it as I dragged him back up to our room. 

As soon as we entered the room, I went straight towards bed and grabbed my deodorant and applied some more, I re styled my hair and brushed my teeth and applied more cologne...I then realized that I was trying my best to look good for some guy...I don't really know.

"Who's taking you out that's making you so paranoid?" Harry suddenly asked from the couch, What should I say?! If I say Zayn he will be mad and If I lie and he finds out I lied he will be mad! "You don't know him" I said in hopes that Harry will just take that as an answer "I might, What's his name?" 

Damn Harry! I soon got saved from a text message 

ZAYNIE: I'm here down at the lounge room

I quickly blushed on what I had his name saved as, I quickly sent back a reply and told Harry I had to be going. 

As soon as I reached the lounge, I spotted Zayn looking as good as ever "Ready?"

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