Chapter 1

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My footsteps echoed through the many twisting and turning halls of Ouran Academy as I ran to Music Room 3 in search of my brother, Takashi Morinozuka, whose help I desperately needed.

I ran as fast as I could, my long, black hair and the skirt of my yellow dress both flying behind me as I neared my destination.

Although I'd been attending this school for approximately four months and my brother and cousin happened to be members, I had never actually been to see the Host Club once. Three of it's members were in my class 1-A, but I sat in the back and didn't speak to them, or anyone for that matter.

My brother and I had very similar qualities, including the fact that we were both people of few words; Mori especially. Unfortunately, since he was a Host, his lack of words was deemed attractive in a way, but it was the complete opposite for myself. I was known as 'The Mute' by my classmates. It was pure ignorance in my opinion. If they'd known I suffered from a minor social anxiety disorder, I'm sure they would've treated me better, but they didn't know and I was alienated by them.

I also wasn't known to be related to Takashi or my cousin Mitsukuni whatsoever, but I just figured that even though the students at my school were very intelligent, they could also be very dense and miss important details. So, I didn't let anyone bother me. I just stayed "The Mute" in order to be left alone; nobody wanted to talk to a person who wouldn't respond back.

I reached the door of Music Room 3, the hangout for the Host Club, and waited a minute or two for me to catch my breath before I entered. As I turned the knob and opened the large door, rose petals fluttered down around me and I heard the chorus of many voices welcoming me.

When all the petals reached the ground I blinked several times to get my eyes adjusted to the scene in front of me. It was after school, so I knew Mori was just attending a meeting, but my issue was urgent and I needed my brother's assistance badly.

My eyes darted to each of the faces of the seven people in the room, the one closest to me with pale blonde hair tilted his head to the side in confusion. I felt the heated blush spread over my cheeks as I felt all seven pairs of eyes stare through me. My palms became moist and my breathing increased. I needed Takashi. Now. It was situations like these that my older brother helped me cope with my anxiety. Although it wasn't a severe case, I still got the unpleasant symptoms of the disorder.

I continued to scan the room for my brother, and once I met eyes with him, I ran over hurriedly. "Takashi, I need your help!" I exclaimed, my voice in whisper-yell mode.

He stood, towering over me, then bent over until he was close to my height. His face was expressionless as it usually was unless we were within the walls of our home, but I could see concern swimming in his eyes, grey like mine. "What is it, Soymikou?" His deep voice questioned.

I tugged on the sleeve of his light blue Ouran uniform. "I lost my camera." I quietly told him, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

Photography was my favourite thing in the world. I took the course all through middle school and was in Ouran's photography course this year as well. I liked it because it took the saying 'a picture is worth a thousand words' to a whole new meaning and it suited my situation beautifully. I used my camera skills to capture pictures that could express more words than I ever could to anyone.

My brother's black brows creased and he stood up straight again. He knew how much my camera meant to me. He opened his mouth to speak, but another voice interrupted him. "What did you lose, my sweet princess?" I felt a hand slip into mine and spin me around to face the pale blonde haired boy, with piercing violet eyes.

I gulped at how close we were. "M-my camera." I mumbled, heartbeat beginning to speed up.

I felt hands grab my shoulders and I was lifted, the boy's hand leaving mine, and was put a few feet to the left of where I originally stood. Takashi set me down and stepped in front of me. "No." He warned the boy.

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