Chapter 02 | Here's to never growing up

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Here's to never growing up

She must have used some sorts of secret face masks or moisturizer, she had just endured a five-hour flight, but her olive-coloured skin was flawless and her cheeks were glowing under the sunlight (even though that was her daily look, always dressing to impress). Joanna looked as if she just stepped out of a LO'real skin care commercial, she was definitely worth it.

Joanna has been a St Patrick's girl and my best friend for as long I could remember, Joanna has no filter and she's not exactly the brightest, but she's not inarticulate either, she's no Albert Einstein, but she could order a pair of Chanel shoes in about five different languages and have them delivered to any part of the world in few moments.

She evidently didn't get accepted for her expertise in the fashion department, you would probably need had to secure a GPA of 3.5 or above as well as a few outside-curriculum activities. She was used to being an exception. My mum may or may not have bent a few rules to get Joanna a placement in this school. She was one of my mother's greatest accomplishments, but not her last, my mum loved to see herself as a charity organization taking in kids and making a lawyer or doctor out of them.

"I'd like to introduce you all to Harry Styles," he shoots a quick smile at the girls exposing his dimples embedded on each side of his cheeks, throughout the hall, girls sigh and awe at his attempt to be cute, I knew just what kind of guy he was; narcissistic and self loathing with a good boy exterior.

As he kept moving you could see he was practically covered with tattoos. "He's a transfer student from Cheshire I'm mentoring and will be sitting in on most of your classes, do treat him like any other student her at St Patrick's comprehensive, but of course he's not allowed in nor around dorms, and if you're seen associating with him past school hours you will be suspended without further notice." My mother informed, with slight joy in her voice. Duly noted.

She then proceeded in authorising us to stand up in unison furthermore exit the Grand hall each table at a time.


Afterwards, we were sat in the middle of the foyer on a pink laced sofas. Catching up on everything that happened in the past six weeks we've been away from each other. Ashley blabbed on about her adventures in the Bahamas, lucky for me as I wasn't ready to come clean that my summer holiday was packed with Channing Tatum movies, Chocolate, my favorite pals Ben & Jerry and a lot of sleeping.

"So I'm guessing you had another thrill packed holiday, then?" Ashley reckoned peering through her glasses; sipping her boxed apple juice.

To my favour she was gesturing towards Joanna who just blew a bubble with her gum and grinned back at her, daring her to ask for the details.

"Quit stalling and just tell," Ashley badgered. Jojo never liked to be told what and how to do stuff, always wanting to have her way, I may be the Head mistress daughter, Ashley the brains, but when it came down to stubbornness Joanna would win hands down.

She continued chewing away at her gum i could see the frustration building up in Ashley as she folded her arms and leaned back on the couch, staring down on her apple juice like it was the most interesting thing "Fine then, that's your problem."

From the devastated look plasterd on Joanna's face this was not the response she was waiting for, she let out a slight sigh, sat up and leaned in closer to Ashley and I. "We did it," As those three words slid out of her mouth, mine and Ashley's mouths had slightly open, bodies unmoving, as we both stared wide-eyed at her smug face.

"You did what!?" I tried to register what that meant, blinking multiple time to remove the images of Joanna and Mr. Bedford together from my head.

"You heard me" She replied without a slight hit of self-condemnation in her voice.

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