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We wake up to the dew dripping repeatedly on my nose. I sit up and rub my hand against my face to get the dew off. "Morning." I hear Gabe say happily. "What's gotten you so happy?" I mumble. "Your cute when you sleep." My face goes a bright red. "But in all seriousness Kuro got a text from Molly and Emily there looking for us!" My face returned back to its original colour and I start to smile. "Yay." Was all I could think to say. Gabe got up and started doing a funny dance like a monkey. I giggle. "What are you doing?"
"The birthday dance Kuro tolled me your turning 15 so I'm doing it!" He says with a grin.
We walk out into the opening I turn to Gabe. "How long has Kuro been gone for?" Gabe gets his phone out. "3 hours." What? "Where did he go?" Gabe looked at me just as confused as I was. "I don't know he said he was going to look for food."
We sit down under a tree and wait. Soon heavy rain falls down on us. Gabe stands up and checks his phone. "It's 5:00 and raining we should get going." I turn to him angry. "What we can't just leave him out there in the woods!" Gabe shrugged. "So he was in the scouts he can handle it." Maybe he's right oh I hope he's okay.. I nod slowly looking down at my feet. "Okay.." Gabe hugs me. "It'll be okay we're going to find a place tomorrow and rest until our energies up than we'll look for Kuro." He grabs my hand gently and we start walking. Far of. Away from family friends my brother and home...

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