Chapter 5: For Someone to Love

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We all want to find someone to love eventually. It is inevitable not to wish for a love so passionate and arms that's comforting. Even way before, we have always dreamt of finding our own "prince charming - A person who will bring us a happily ever after.

Sadly though, when you grow up - you realize that these things are only delusional thinking and you get a dose of reality. Still, deep inside our hearts - anyone would agree that we yearn for someone to stay. For someone to care. For someone to listen.

Most importantly, for someone to love.

And to love back.

After all, we spent so many years guarding our heart and trying to find the guy who is worthy enough to take hold of it. A guy who can make you feel wanted. A guy who will call you mine. Right, girls?


My expression must have been a mixture of awe, confusion and shocked. Did I hear him right? Maybe I'm being delusional from all the thinking I've done. 

Or maybe I'm experiencing a mini heart attack. 

"Wha. .What are you saying? I think I heard you wrong" I stammered. Keep it together, Naomi. Inhale ..Exhale

"Uhm, I just asked you to be my girlfriend?" He said while rubbing the back of his head. He slightly flushed while saying it and I think my mouth was hanging open by this time. 

My mind refused to function and the words isn't fully registering with me. He touched my shoulders and that snapped me back to reality. I glanced at him and he started speaking

"Nami, now would be the time to say something" He then said confidently, I swear it didn't seem like he was confessing... I mean my nerves are practically going on full blast and here he is unfazed and just that.

I... I cannot think straight and we both looked so awkward. The words won't come out of my mouth. They refuse to. Funny how a minute ago, I actually admitted to myself that I really like this person surely hearing him say he wants me to be his girlfriend would make me jump for joy..

However, I looked directly at his eyes. I was searching for something..

Did his eyes reflect the kind of feelings I have for him? Did he really feel something for me?

And what did I saw?  I don't know. I really don't know.

I breathed deeply. Closed my eyes because I'm scared.

I know I'm gonna make a decision that might either make or break me. Can I give him this treasure that I've been hiding for so long?  

Is it worth the risk? Is it worth my heart breaking?

I felt him squeezed my hands. I opened my eyes and the words that left my mouth

"Yes, Daniel"


Author's Note:

So chapter 4 might have left you wondering what will happen next. I mean, any reader left with that ending would surely be wanting more so here's something to end your agony. I uploaded chapter 5 back to back with chapter 4 :> This is payback for neglecting my story and readers.

Did I make you guys happy?

Anyway, I'm dedicating this story to NonnieBonnie97. She has been one of the first readers of this story and she always leaves a comment which makes me really happy. Having people comment on your story might be every writer's inspiration :)

So, comment .. .. follow or vote for anyone who enjoyed this story! 

Thanks xx

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