The inner sanctum

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Like all ships, the scorpion corps ship had an extensive inner sanctum. Tikashi knew that if Kitera survived the warp bombings she would've taken refuge within the walls of the sanctum. Buzz saw begins to pant, "dude, wa-ay too much ru-inning" Tikashi let out a chuckle as he muttered
"Just keep going, we have no idea how many CLE4N3Rs they've sent"
Buzz saw nodded as he continued running

"Boys" a familiar voice came from behind them, Tikashi turned around to see Echo and two other people, one tall mid built male and one other dainty young lass. Tikashi replied with "who are your friends Echo?"
Echo explained "the man is my big brother Hale Winters, and the girl is my twin sister Ivory Winters" Tikashi nodded in acknowledgement. Buzz saw stepped forward and exclaimed "do you lot know where that lass that runs the place has ended up" ivory pointed, she pointed to a door, a door that had a sign, the sign read 'personal warp' .

Tikashi wandered over and knocked, "hellooooo" the voice of Lauren replied
Tikashi remarked "can't we make a plan?" He then continued "your base is obviously obliterated and the people you've spent so long protecting dead, but we need our Russian pal back" he mentioned further "but we may need more of an opening to put an end to Nemesis"
Lauren had a full hearty laugh before replying "ha, you say it like we have a chance... Nemesis has an army and has used you guys to bend times knee to do his bidding for longer than ever could be imagined" Tikashi rested his head against the door as he remembered how the assassinations seemed to follow no other purpose than to bring everything to where it was. Which was with 'Kai' in charge of a luxury war ship with zero chance of imminent death.

Buzz saw then questioned Lauren "if he's so invincible because of us, how have you put all these machines together" this was a good point due to how time warps can completely dismantle his plan. Lauren then came back to say "I know, I've tried, but Nemesis just sends mercs to kill the people we send" she then raised her eye brows "hold on a moment" she then stared at the two mercenaries "he was sending you! Now I remember why I spent so long trying to get you here!" She turned and slammed a role of A3 paper on a table and started writing out plans to stop Nemesis from gaining his ever so sought after power.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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