fodor glava ☹

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A man named Fodor Glava was born a long time ago in Transylvania, and died there in 1918. Given the location, it shouldn't surprise you to learn that people thought he was a real vampire. Legend states that Glava was buried in the Lafayette Municipal Cemetery. For almost a century, locals have been urging one another to stand near the ancient grave without chickening out. Many of these locals have reported seeing a tall skinny man wearing a dark coat and sporting long nails sitting on top of the grave stone. It's a favorite spooky spot during Halloween, especially since a trusted police officer said that he discovered a strange doll with a pin stuck in it on top of the stone.

The story goes on to say that a tree located in the middle of the vampire's grave actually grew from the very stake that was driven through his heart. Nearby roses are his fingernails continuing to grow even after death. It's not known exactly why people thought Fodor Glava was a vampire other than the fact that he was born in Transylvania, although his grave is the only one in the cemetery that has an actual marker.

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