CHAPTER 1 meet the animals and Kenny

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Once their was a boy his name was Kenny who had three animals that were a dog,pig,and horse. His mom said oh did I mention that they are baby's well anyway his mom said "when the animals get grown up you have to let them go". So Kenny was sad when he heard that. So the animals grew up so he let them go just like his mom said. But their was a FOX.

CHAPTER 2 The Fox and the animals

So as I was saying their was a FOX that wanted to eat the animals. But the animals always had a plan for that. The fox was at home making a plan for the animals. "This plan Will get those animals" said the fox. So when the animals were playing with the Xbox the Fox came along and knocked on the door then the dog looked out the Window and he saw the Fox. So he opened the door and poured a pot of HOT water on him. Then the dog,pig,and horse started laughing about that.


When Kenny was going to feed the animals they were not there. "It was that big fat fox who took the animals" said Kenny Kenny was Wright it was the fox that took the animals. So Kenny went into the house and got a BAT to BEAT the fox when he find the fox.

CHAPTER 4 The love animals

So when Kenny went to go find the animals he traveled threw woods,trees,and cabins. So the dog barked and Kenny heard it and said "Ken" that was the dogs name. But anyway Kenny said "keep barking" so Ken did. So Kenny found his animals. Yeah remember when I said Kenny he'd a bat he HIT the fox in the face so hard. But after Kenny found his animals he went home.
And his animals was THE L💗VE ANIMALS!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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