2. A Little Size Toddler Joy

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Things in the fair kingdom known as Arendelle was calm and peaceful since the incident with their Snow Queen. Elsa of Arendelle couldn't be happier with her new life. Since The Great Thaw, she reunited with her beloved & lovable sister, her people & learned to control & not fear her powers anymore. Even though she was expected to act all queen-like in front of her subjects & royal guests. Every day was great, if you don't count the endless piles of work she had to do. Letters, treaties, declarations to sign and invitations of up-coming balls in other kingdoms like Corona with her cousin, Princess Rapunzel and best friend, Princess Merida of the kingdom of Dunbrotch and even with its neighbour village Chief, Hiccup, Haddock where his village was filled with dragons named Berk. Even though they barely see eachother, they kept this friendship active. She even heard that there is the possibility of a marriage between Merida & Hiccup coming soon. (A/N: MERICCUP 4EVER!)

It was a bright sunny day; Queen Elsa was in her study, signing some paperwork, after coming from a council conference. All she wished right now is to go out and have the fun she never had as a child with her sister but sadly, ruling a kingdom blocks away all the fun things in her time.

As she continues to work, she suddenly felt a weird feeling that somebody was watching her. Like if she felt a pair of yellow eyes watching from the window, a dark shadow was eyeing her every move but knew that every time she turn around, it would vanish in the air. She felt chills and frost forming on the edges and corners, and it wasn't her own, it wasn't her doing. She goes to the window and shuts the shades, in case that dark shadow comes back and goes back to her desk to work and keep her mind occupied for the next 2 hours.

Another 2 hours went by and she was starting o get hungry and yawning. Only one more document to finish, she signs her name and puts down her quill back. As she organizes the papers back in place, she felt it again, that creepy feeling of somebody watching her came back but it was different from earlier. She stopped organizing as he looked around his surroundings and noticed nothing different. There was a long silence, her temperature was dropping. Maybe is because she felt a happy warm energy near her but that didn't worry her.

From a dark corner, stood a dark shadow that hid behind the bookcases. The figure was shaped like a small child, she watched the Queen with evil in her eyes and a sneaky smirk. The mysterious child ran swiftly behind chair, every corner, crawling thru the floor as it continued to observe Queen Elsa, like if she wanted to attack her. Elsa was sure that he was being watched, he was cautious and aware. Knowing that she was being watch, she slowly grabs a sack where she kept letters and scrap papers but it was now empty. She opens it wide as if he knew who the mysterious person was. The dark shadow grew an evil grin on her face as she rested herself on the tree. Elsa waited for the right moment; she grew on sneaky grin on her face as she opened the sack wide. Then she heard the voice jump over her!


"GOTCHA!" Elsa cried, laughing as she held up his sack with something moving inside of it, in an angry way. The Queen laughs loudly as the thing inside the sack continue to free itself but Elsa held it tighter.

"Ha! You think you can sneak up on me like that, you little sneak?!" the queen laughs

Elsa takes a peek inside the sack as he opens it wide, and laughs by what was inside it. Then pops out a small girl with mixture of blonde and strawberry blonde hair! It was her niece, Princess Lily Bjorgman of Arendelle, She had a mixture of blonde & strawberry blonde like her parents & her mother's corky, energetic and hyper personality that Elsa loved so much, she was a spitting image of Anna. Heidi loved playing with her aunt when her parents were up at the North Mountain working in her father's Ice Business. When she was with her people, she was their queen but when she was with her family, she was herself. The best feeling in the world for her.

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