1.The Ice King

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During his entire life he has lived in the magical world of Neverland, Jack Frost had it all. He's lived the good life as leader of the "Lost Boys". He was their king, their master, their big brother & their only friend; they only had eachother in the dangerous land of Neverland, filled with pirated, Indians, mermaid, fairies & immortal who liked to terrorize those on the Main Land. But also like to gave his enchantments and charms of ice and snow, giving snow days. The laughter of the children gave him life and strength. But they'd like to turn dreams into nightmares but only Jack Frost had the power to keep them under control. He had immortal powers; his specialties were to control and create ice and snow. He lived in his own majestic ice palace in the center of Neverland and outside lived the Lost Boys in their huts and tents.

Nerveland was his home, his life, his kingdom and everything ran by his way. Anyone he dares leaves this land without his permission; they'll have to answer to him. His shadow had the power to soar the skies of Neverland and travel to the Main Land, in search of anything that Jack wants and it brings it back to him. But today was one of those days that a snow storm was forming over his ice castle. His power matches his mood and it was dull and gray. Something was bugging him & didn't know what.

"Everything seem quiet, too quiet" he whispers to himself as he gazed out his window to the breath-taking view of his wintery side of Neverland.

Even with all the power & loyalty of his Lost Boys, Jack Frost felt lonely & insecure, he felt like he was missing something in his life. Something that can put him on top, make him feel supreme. He was a Snow King, he can be generous when he needed but can be also very cruel to his enemies and those who cross him.

"Is there something wrong, master?" his dark shadow asked with his eyes glowing bright at him.

"I don't know, Pitch. I feel empty inside. I mean, I have everything; treasures, eternal youth, winter powers, loyal Lost Boys, but still. I feel like I'm missing something" Jack frowns as he sat o his ice throne.

"Could it be Captain North's ultimate treasure? I've seen him coming thru these parts of our land and it could be a great chance to steal his chest!" Pitch exclaims excited but Jack just shrugs

"I'm not in the mood to steal today, Pitch" Jack frowns even more.

"Oh, come on, stealing always makes you feel better!" Pitch flies over to him, trying to cheer him up.

But doesn't work "Not this time. I'm not going to get better after I find out why I feel so empty and disappointed"

"Ok, maybe I can help. What is it that you feel that you're missing?"

"Let's see, what does every King needs?"

"Loyal subjects!" Pitch exclaims, trying to guess

"I got the Lost Boys & I've couldn't have asked for better loyal men"

"Ok. Slaves?"

"I got a few but even torturing them doesn't fix my mood"


"Got plenty of it. So much that I don't know what to do with it"

"Maybe you need somebody to share it with?" Pitch suggested, joking a little.

Then it hit Jack like a lightning bolt "THAT'S IT, PITCH!"

"What's it?"

"That's what I need. What every King needs in his life! A QUEEN!"

"A queen? As in a girl?" Pitch asks, a bit confused.

"Exactly. But not just any girl. I need a girl who is like me. A girl who understand me, posses the same powers as me. The same girl like in this book!" Jack shows Pitch a book entitled "The Snow Queen".

"You know, I think I've seen a girl like this somewhere before"

"Really? Where exactly?"

"I think it was somewhere in Norway, in a kingdom named Arendelle. There always a little girl who had nightmares of the same thing, being rejected & afraid that her powers can harm her loved ones!"

"That is so sad. She must feel alone herself. I want you to bring her to me"

"You want me to kidnap her? She's the Queen of her own kingdom"

"And now she will be my Queen of my kingdom! She will look dashing and radiant by my side!"

"I see. And when do you want me to bring her?"

"Tonight. And I want you to take the Lost Boys just in case she resists and gets too hard to handle. But no violence, I want her beautiful when I make her my Queen" Jack grins, evilly.

"Understood, master"

And with nod, Pitch flew off. After Pitch finally left, Jack smirks down at the book with a picture of a beautiful Snow Queen, dressed in a sparkling blue ice dress and her soft platinum blonde hair done in a messy but elegant French braid, she sure had the poise and true beauty of a true Queen. A perfect Queen fit for an Ice King like himself.

"You will be mine, Snow Queen of Arendelle" he chuckles, evilly as he sets the book down.

As he soars thru the darkness, Pitch landed right in the middle to the village of the Lost Boys to tell the news & caught them doing some labour. The Lost Boys always stopped what they were doing when Pitch flew in; it always meant his boss was giving them a new job for them.

"My brothers, I've come with a new assignment from your King!"

"What does Frost have for us, Pitch? More treasure or pixie dust" A Lost Boy named Felix asked, he was known as Jack's right hand man when he wasn't around.

"He's looking for a Queen and he's picked the right girl for that position. He wants us to get her and bring her back to him"

"And where are we suppose to find his girl Jack is desperately searching for, Pitch?"

"In the Main Land, my fellow Felix. Destination, Arendelle. So pack up your pixie dust, mates cause we're flying off tonight!"

"Frost really wants this girl ASAP, huh?" another Lost Boy named Cubby asks.

"What Frost wants is what he'll get. & he has his reasons of why he wants her right away, Felix" Pitch grins with his yellow eyes glowing bright.

Jack watched from his window how his Lost Boys were finished on getting the gear ready. They opened their pixie dust jars, applying it to themselves until they were floating/flying in the air. Pitch lead them across the sky, directly to a certain shining star. The 2nd Star to the right & straight on 'til morning, disappearing thru it. Ice and snow started the form around the green vegetation, it was the emotion of their King, he felt proud and greedy right now. Jack grins to himself, knowing his boys never fail him and will get his ultimate prize that will never make him feel lonely ever again.

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