1. Parting Ways

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2186, The Reapers are ravaging numerous systems. Populations are dwindling in many species, the citadel was not even a safe place, and it is the only place Vera ever really knew. Huge changes were about to take place.

Many Turians have been transported already to a sanctuary planet, (will remain only as sanctuary) Vera, overheard her father, Quentius talking with other authorities about sending another group out to Sanctuary. Turning to his beloved daughter, councilor Quentius sighed, " I'd like you to take a shuttle out with them, you'll be headed to Sanctuary along with many other refugees. Your job is to oversee how the Turian camp is run and report back weekly." Vera's heart was breaking at his words, "What about You? and Mother, and my siblings?"

"You'll be safe on Sanctuary, we'll all catch up with you when the chance comes, we need to allow other civilians the chance to get to safety. "Promise you'll come?" His heart stopped at this question, he hadn't heard her talk like that to him since she was a little thing. "I promise" Quentius then moved in and they touched foreheads for about five minutes, tears rolling down Vera's cheeks the whole time. "Take care Vera, we'll join you soon." Nodding at this, she boarded the shuttle.

After Vera boarded the shuttle, she made herself as comfortable as possible trying to hide heartbreak from everyone has always been a challenge to her. However, almost everyone else on the shuttle were bundled up whimpering and sniffling, war was absolutely awful, especially for those who cannot fight back.

It took about a couple days to get to sanctuary, the shuttle was a bit overcrowded with refugees leaving the citadel. Asari, Humans, Turians, and a few Humans made up the population of the shuttle passengers from the looks of it, refugees belonged to groups, camps kinda. Vera was to head to the Turian camp, as were her father's orders, her heart ached at the thought of her family, she constantly worried if they would be okay. Upon enter the camp's grounds, she was stopped by a couple armed guards, "State your name and one clan member" My name is Vera and my father's name is Quentius, Councilor Quentius. Nodding, they allowed her passage into the camp. She stopped another officer that was passing by "Excuse me sir, could you take me to meet Veltius? I've received an order from Councilor Quentius to speak to him.

"Of course miss?" "Vera" she gave the closest thing she could to a smile. He nodded, "Follow Me". He was beautiful for a male, His skin dark gray in color, black plating. He looked familiar for some reason, it could've been his emerald green eyes and his face paint. He looks like a Kryik boy, I knew another Kryik, Nihlus. Vera prayed to the spirits that her meeting with Veltius, it shouldn't be to horrible since Veltius has been a family friend ever since she was a little girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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