The Omega

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Eli's POV

The Omegas are the lowest of low in the pack, lower than the subordinates.

Even at birth, I was hated. It was my destiny to be the lowest, unneeded pack member. Because of this, most kids avoided me under the influence of their parents. But, as long as I had my parents, I was loved and happy.

I grew up not knowing what it meant to be the Omega. Sure, I was avoided, but I was never really alone. Until the year I turned ten, my family fell apart, right before my eyes.

The raid. A neighboring pack started a war against us and many men were called to fight. Including my father. "Don't worry, Eli. I'll be home soon. Remember, no matter what anyone says, I love you" But he never came home. My mother fell into depression; losing your mate was like losing a part of yourself. Within a week of my father's death, her wolf became insane and she died. Just like that, my family, my whole life, was gone.

The Alpha assigned me a foster family; even though I'm the Omega, they would never abandon a pup. As soon as I met them, I could see my new family's thoughts written on their faces. Anger, hatred, disappointment. "Though we are your family, we do not love you. You are an Omega. Know your place"

My life may not have been enjoyable or even memorable, but at least I was not left for dead. I soon came to learn what was expected of me: Obedience, discipline, respect- a slave, not a son. I also learned what retaliation earned: Punishment, beatings. I even learned to live with the scornful glares and insults that followed me every time I went into town.

Naturally, my wolf started to share my thoughts, opinions, and feelings. At times, I had to force myself to control my wolf, who wanted nothing more than to attack and take revenge. At other times, especially spring, I could feel my body changing. I became... Different. I knew my wolf could feel it too. Soon, my wolf started to take his own opinions. Mate. I could hear the word repeatedly played in my mind. Even being in heat made no difference to me. I was still the Omega. Still unwanted. It took awhile, but eventually I made my wolf stopped crying for a mate as well.

Even after seven years, I still find ways to live my life without feeling the hatred and pain that others try to inflict on me. I still manage to hold on, for the day I can live on my own. Most people wish for a mate to spend the rest of their lives with, but as long as I can live without being hated, or punished for being an Omega, as long as I can feel loved, I couldn't care less if I was alone.

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