Chapter 1

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Eli's POV

I awoke to a sharp pain in my side. I opened my eyes just in time to see my step-mother land another blow to my stomach. I groaned in pain, clutching my body as I sat up. "You're late! I will not tolerate this! We have raised you, fed you, and housed you, yet you can't be bothered to get up early to make us breakfast?!" I looked down, not wanting to meet her strict gaze.

"... I'm sorry. I'll start breakfast now." My step-mother watched me carefully before turning on her heel and leaving the room.

I waited until I heard the door slam shut before pulling up my shirt to reveal a bright, red spot just below my heart. I touched it softly, inhaling sharply when a jolt of pain ran down my spine. Another bruise to add to the collection. Sighing, I fixed my shirt and made my way upstairs. My step-mother gave me a room in the basement, saying it would 'help me sleep without so much noise.' I think she just wants to see my face as little as possible.

My sisters were already at the table when I arrived upstairs. Walking past them, I ignored their glares and began making breakfast. Soon, they forgot about me and continued their conversation. "Did you hear?" Eve spoke in an excited voice. 

Adalynn nodded. "About the next Alpha?! I know!" I rolled my eyes.

Cyrus Hunter was the well known son of the Alpha. He turned eighteen a few days ago, and his wolf has begun looking for it's mate. Everyone is eager see and become the next Alpha's mate. He would probably have better luck if his mate was already eighteen as well; their scent would be stronger. To help the process, the Alpha and Luna are throwing a masked ball tomorrow night. Everyone is required by law to be there. Though, considering my step-mother denies all proof of my existence, I'm probably not on the guest list.

Once I'd finished making breakfast, I watched my family eat as my own stomach growled. Supposedly, it was 'common courtesy' for the chef to wait until after everyone else finishes before eating. Though, they usually only leave me with leftover scraps, and my step-mother never lets me make something else, not wanting to waste anymore food.

Being a servant, and dealing with my family was easy. What was not easy, was finding ways to keep my wolf happy. Run... Be free. I laughed slightly, listening to the ridiculous requests of my wolf. But, I still felt myself wonder. What would it be like to be free? To not have to listen to the demands of my family, do whatever you want, not have to constantly be brought down others.

"Eli. I would like to speak with you later. Don't go anywhere." I was quickly brought back from my thoughts as my step-mother stared at me, her cold gaze piercing through me. I nodded my head, wondering what she could want. After everyone was finished, I cleared the table and stood in front of where my step-mother sat. My nerves were racing, but I kept a straight face. "Eli..." She began in a slow, hateful tone, rolling my name around and spitting it out like trash. "How would you like to go to... The ball?"

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