The Maze [part 9]

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I woke with a searing pain, I was freezing and wet. It was dark when I opened my eyes. I sat up and saw I was on my own. I looked to my wound and saw a large white bandage wrapped around it.

"Hey" I bolted round and saw a small girl was sitting next to me. She wasn't from team 3. I immediately stuck my hand in my pack to get my gun, it wasn't there.

"What have you done with my stuff?" I said realizing my pack was empty.

"Don't worry your stuff is safe with me" The little girl stood up and looked around.

"Who are you?" she looked down at me.

"Grace Feraras" She obviously wasn't going to kill me as she would have done it by now.

"I'm Faun" She smiled and sat back down next to me.

"You did this?" I pointed to the white bandage that was covering my wound. She nodded.


"Why? I'm not on your team"

"I know, I just wanted to help you. I saw you lying here by yourself dripping with blood, to be honest I thought you were dead. Then I saw your chest rising and falling so I wrapped you up with some of my bandages. Where is your team?"

"Err, I don't know" I looked around. Why had they left me?

"Did they leave you all by yourself?" Faun grabbed my hand and helped me up off the wet ground. I held my stomach and stretched.

"I suppose"

"Why would they do that? They're supposed to be looking after you"

"I dunno why they left me, maybe they thought I was dead or sumin" Faun grunted in agreement and gave me back my pack; I reached in and found my gun.

"I hope you're not going to kill me" She said as we walked of down the path.

"Only if you don't kill me"


The air was very damp and cold and I blew into my hands to keep warm.

"Why did you help me Faun?"

"I told you, I just wanted to. I'm not a killer"

"Then why did you enter the Officials?"

"Well it was my dads idea, he was never proud of me and he said this was a good way to get in his good books" Faun looked down at the ground. Her dad suggested for her to come into this horrible killing game? I felt sorry for her, the only reason she was here was because she wanted to make her dad proud. I then felt almost sure she wouldn't kill me.

"I helped you coz I wanted to be with someone, someone to talk to and help me out in sticky situations." She said looking at me to see the expression on my face.

"I don't blame you, I would have probably done the same. Where's your team?"

"Don't know, long gone I suppose. Never did warm up to them much"

"Thanks for saving me" I said and she smiled at me politely.

"No problem".

Faun had a very young face which was dotted with small freckles. Her short brown hair was plaited neatly and tied up with little pink ribbons. She wore a fluffy jacket, which I assumed was good at keeping the heat in, and long tight green trousers, which would make her perfectly camouflaged. She bent down and stuck her fingers into some mud. She wiped the mud down her left cheek in two straight lines and repeated the process on her right cheek. She looked at me expectantly so I copied her. I looked at her and she examined my face, she giggled and wiped the mud off her fingers. She shot off down the maze and I followed having a hard time keeping up. Why had my team left me to die? Wouldn't they see that my name hadn't come up on their watch? I then remembered that I was already dead on the watch, the Officials had had some technical difficulties and I was accidently put on the list of the dead. Why didn't they check my breathing? I found myself feeling annoyed and betrayed, the only person who helped me was the little girl running in front of me and she wasn't even in my team. Faun went around a corner and screamed suddenly, I panicked and quickened my speed. As I turned the corner I saw two bodies, one was dead and one stared at Faun. Ray lay in a puddle of blood with his own sword sticking out of him and Ricky was sat crossed legged behind him. Ray's t-shirt was torn and wrapped around Ricky's arm tightly. Apart from the wound on his arm Ricky looked almost unharmed.

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