preference | when it snows

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It was nearly three in the morning when Seth had discovered the snowfall. You had both been sleeping contently in your warm bed, intertwined with each other after a peaceful night of just relaxing. He was pulled from sleep by the annoying sensation of thirst, and deciding that he couldn't simply ignore it, he climbed out of bed to grab a glass of water.

He shuffled groggily into the kitchen, stopping in front of the cupboard to grab a glass before ambling over to the sink. Seth flicked on the faucet and let his cup fill about halfway before he hastily brought it to his lips and drank. His attention shifted from the bottom of the glass to the window that were edged with frost. His brown eyes watched the fat snowflakes drop to the ground, and he couldn't help but grin at the sight. 

Seth came back into the bedroom ten minutes later, most of his tiredness replaced with that warm, fuzzy feelings most children got when it snowed. He could just imagine all the fun you two would have when the sun came up. Snowmen, snowball fights, snow angels. Afterwards, you could both enjoy some hot cocoa and Christmas movies. It was going to be perfect.

You felt the bed dip when he climbed back onto the mattress, and you instinctively turned to eye him. You had been aware when he left the room, but you had fallen back asleep waiting for him to return.

"What kept you?" You murmured against the warm pillow.

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas out there," Seth couldn't resist the reference as he tucked himself under the covers, wrapping his arms around your waist. 

You huffed at his joke, but you were too tired to give him a response.

After all, it was three in the morning.


"One cup of cocoa for the missus," Roman grinned as he handed you the steaming mug, slipping onto the couch next to you. You had the comforter nearly pulled up to your chin, but you peeled it back for just a split second so that he could fit into against your side. 

After a long day of playing outside in the snow, you were both tuckered out and slightly frozen. You had both taken hot showers to dethaw and changed into sweaters and fuzzy socks to enjoy some hot chocolate by the fireplace. The fire crackled and radiated much appreciated heat throughout the living room, bringing a smile to your lips. The snowman you had built earlier looked at the two of you through the window, seemingly waving to you with his stick arms.

"Today was fun," you murmured, allowing your head to rest on his shoulder. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, blowing warm air through your hair as he exhaled. 

"My childhood would have been ten times more fun if we had gotten this much snow in Pensacola," Roman predicted with a small chuckle, snuggling you closer into his side.

You grunted in agreement, bringing the mug to your lips to drink. This is what you had always wanted growing up - peaceful, unconditional, youthful love. You could still hear Roman's deep laugh when you threw snowballs at his head in some sort of sneak attack. The look he had given you when he warmed your hands in his was something that was etched in your memory. 

There was a brief moment of silence between the two of you. 

"I love you, Roman."

There wasn't a moment's hesitation when he answered with an, "I love you, too". 


"Dean, don't you take another step, or I swear to God!"

Dean raised a devilish brow at you, malevolence toying with his grin. His handful of snow was poised and ready to fire at any second - he was just waiting for the perfect shot. 

You stood there in your pajamas, huddling behind the kitchen island for shelter. You had been the last person to exit the bedroom this morning, and you were almost immediately ambushed with a cold morning surprise. You had narrowly dodged the first assault (it was currently melting on the living room carpet). 

"Come on out a play, Y/N!" Dean cooed airily from behind the couch. 

You didn't dare peek out from your hiding spot, knowing that you would be the perfect target the moment you did. A smile was on your face, although you dreaded the idea of catching a snowball so early in the morning. 

Behind his back, the sliding door was still open, letting drafts of cold air inside your warm haven. Suddenly, the idea sprouted in your mind like some type of tree. It was an extremely dumb and counterproductive plan, but it would make sure that he got what he deserved!

You took a deep breath and sprung into action. You jumped to your feet and bolted out from behind the island, charging directly towards your 'enemy'. He was stunned at first, but he soon came to his senses and hit you directly in the stomach with his snowball. You didn't let that slow you down, though, and you nearly speared him moments later. Just like you had planned, both of you went tumbling out of the door, landing in the freshly fallen snow with mutual gasps of surprise. The coldness immediately soaked through your clothes, but the childish grin (accompanied by a gravelly laugh) coming from Dean warmed your heart. 

"Bad...idea!" You managed to spit out, your jaw quivering too quickly for you to get it out in one sentence. 

"C'mon, let's go warm up!" Dean suggested brightly, grabbing you by the forearm and helping you to your feet. "Maybe we can share the shower, eh?" He offered with a mischievous glint in his eyes. 

Well, this morning was about to get a bit steamier.  

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