s.r | one shot | miss you

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You weren't getting any sleep tonight, that was something you could put money on. You had been tossing and turning in this uncomfortable hotel bed for nearly an hour, and all you had gotten was a headache. The room was cold and unwelcoming, and you were one of the only superstars inside the entire hotel. While most of your girlfriends were getting ready to perform at Fastlane the next day, you (and some of the other injured girls) had gotten flown out to Blue Grass, Iowa for a women's photoshoot. The session was scheduled for five in the afternoon, and it was currently two in the morning. 

Frustrated, you kicked your covers off and snatched your phone off the charger, your mind racing as you tried to think of people who would be awake.

There was Naomi. She was one of your closest friends, but then again, she was someone who valued her sleep. If you woke her up, she would throw hands without a moment's hesitation.

There was also Summer Rae, but you didn't know her too well. She seemed like a decent person; she was well liked, extremely friendly and funny, and she was always up to make new friends. Then again, maybe she wasn't up to make friends at two in the morning.

Then, it hit you! You couldn't believe you hadn't noticed! You were in Blue Grass, which was only twenty minutes away from Davenport! That's where your best friend, Seth Rollins, was rehabbing. 

You and Seth had quite a history together. You had met in NXT, and you guys clicked instantaneously. You often found yourself searching for him at house shows when you entered catering, always having a stupid question in mind that would allow you to talk to him. He did the same thing, which you finally picked up on. Your conversations were always filled with nervous giggles and touches that never lingered long due to the fear of coming off too strong.

He eventually had the nerve to ask you on a date, and the two of you became an official item. It was the happiest few months of your life. He had become your best friend in a whole different sense. The two of you were inseparable. But, things didn't work out. Seth was drafted to the main roster, and you weren't. You both promised to try and fight the fact that you would rarely see each other, but it wasn't long before trust faltered and you grew frustrated with the whole situation. The relationship ended on good terms, but you wished you never had to end it at all.

You and Seth didn't talk a lot for a year and a half.  He was busy being a champion, even a double champion, while you spent long hours in the training center perfecting your craft. Everything had returned to normal in your lives. 

It was blissful.

And then you were drafted. You had waited for it for months on end, and it finally came. You were elated, but increasingly anxious at the same time. All of the enemies you had made would be waiting for you on the main roster, eager to draw your blood and push you past your breaking point on stages that were grander than what you were used to. Your old friends, they would be there, too. Would they be the same people you remembered? Then there was Seth. He was there. Oh, and how he had changed. 

When it was time for you to come to TV, you were nothing more than a shaking, worried mess. You stood in the gorilla in your gear, shaky breaths leaving your lungs. You were scheduled to shoot a promo in just five minutes, but you were barely able to talk to the stage producer, let alone sound like a monster heel in front of all those fans. 

When you felt a hand on your back, you nearly jumped out of your skin. When you whipped around to confront whoever had touched you, you froze. It was him. Seth freakin' Rollins. There was a moment of silence as his brown eyes took in your current state. You wondered what he could be thinking in that moment. Then, his familiar, raspy laugh let his throat, and he pulled you into his chest. I missed you, he whispered into your hair.

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