Kitchen floor was flooded with the four lots of whipped cream uncontrollably begins to get down on his knees and makes whipped cream angels. Theia and Eva glare at Lucas with a disappointing look of shame that they actually know Lucas.
Lucas tries to get seductive while inticising with the cream trying to get Theia and Eva to get on the floor with him. Theia begins to make cream balls to make a whipped cream snowman on Lucas belly. But as Theia is making the snowman his belly Eva picks up some cream to make two cream balls for Lucas cheeks as then Lucas begins to try like them off but his tongue wasn't long enough to try and get it off the tops of the cheeks.
Lucas gets up from the floor as the cream is dropping from his cheeks and stomach to his genitals with high pitch squeak from the top of his longs. Slips on the cream and lands on his back.
Eva slowly gets up clenching her hand to the bench looks around and sees the mess they all made in regret Lucas feeling ashamed thought it was about time to clean up so they all work together and in no time the kitchen was spotless and all three were exhausted Eva and Theia turn to Lucas and say "will you do it again?" and Lucas replied"noooooo" with a cheeeky smile.
As this moment went on, hours later...
The result of this was the three of them having to clean up there flat before the monthly inspection of the today was going to happen as the landlord was quite strict on the tenants that lived on his property that they owned.
Kitchen Fesita Part3
RomansaWhat happens to Lucas when he finally gets the whipped cream.