The Second Question

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Please answer the question below:

"Please write the full name of the person who discovered the American continent in AD1492."

Himeji Mizuki's answer:

"Kurisutofaa Koronbusu (Christopher Columbus)."

Teacher's comment:

"Correct. He is a famous noble person in the story of the Egg of Columbus. Even though Columbus is a famous name, surprisingly, his first name is not known to many. This was supposed to be a trick question, but it seems like this does not concern Himeji-san at all. Well done."

Shimizu Miharu's answer:

"Koron Busu (Colum Bus)."

Teacher's comment:

"Don't understand the meaning of 'full name'? 'Columbus' alone is his family name, and 'Colum Bus' does not make it a full name. Please remember that."

Shimada Minami's answer:

"Busu (Ugly Woman)"

Teacher's comment:

"What a thing to do to a historic noble person."

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