1 - What changed?

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A girl with (colour) hair walked through the halls of the castle, earning glances from everyone.

The way she walked itself was commendable and it was as though she demanded respect, her head was held high and her chest puffed out. But what made everyone look away were her eyes, anybody in their right mind could see just how angry they were not only that her teeth were clenched tightly as she mumbled words of murder.

Despite her suspicious looks nobody dared to stop her, the girl's face was something everybody had grown familiar to even with her general absence.

As she passed by the people whispered loud enough to let her hear.

"Isn't that-" One servant started to say.

"Shut up, do want to die?" Another shut him up.

She reached the throne room, the soldiers guarding it hesitated but moved away anyway not having enough guts to face the seething female.

The door opened to reveal, the young and newly crowned king, Soo-won, sitting on the throne and discussing something.

The entire room turned quite as she came in but for her none of that mattered.

She walked and sat on a free seat keeping her legs rested on the table and very one stared at her.

During the time of her resting, the entire court took the chance to observe the female. With her messy (colour) hair in a loose ponytail, loose hair sticking to her face, due to sweat, framing her strong features, she was simply stunning. Her body lean yet muscular due to her years of hard work, but slightly bulky due to her extreme work out regimes on the quest to be the absolute best.

"Okay," She finally said, her breathing calmer than what it was before. "I'll give you 10 minutes to explain what the hell is going on here." Closing her eyes again, trying to get some rest so as to not collapse at any second.

Soo-won could see the dark circles surrounding her eyes. It seemed that rushing here as soon as hearing the news has left a toll on her physically and mentally.  "It's been a while, (Name)." He said, cheerfully, with his normal happy-go-lucky attitude. "How have you been?"

Her eyes opened quick at that, "Ab-so-lute-ly. Horrible. I was in between a meeting with the Kei Empire when I hear the king is dead, how do think I am?" Gritting her teeth and continuing her rant. "And when I arrived here and asked for Yona and Hak I hear that Hak was the one who murdered the king and he kidnapped Yona!" She laughed ironically. "So, Tell me. Whatever the fuck. Is going on." Her voice was dangerously low.

"That is exactly what happened" The sky general said. Resulting her to raise her eyebrows. Her fists clenched and she kicked away the table and walked closer to the self-proclaimed 'King' slowly, each step echoing in the now quite room.

Until stopping when he was so close their noses touched almost. She stared at him in the eyes and he stared back defiantly.

(Name) took in a deep breath and let out a long sigh, her breath slightly fanning his face, but still not moving from her position. "I didn't know you were capable of making such an expression, Soo-won."

He stared at her, still not breaking the eye contact. "Things change, (Name)," He paused slightly. "People change."

She took a step back as if she was drunk and stumbling. "You don't seriously believe that, do you?" She asked, but he didn't answer. She continued, whispering, so lightly that only Soo-Won and the Sky general could hear, "We were friends we-we were family, all of us, so what happened? What changed?"

His face tightened, but other than that, nothing. Her face hurt as she held back slight tears. He stood up, and she looked up to meet his eyes, but he didn't meet hers. "Nothing, but right now that it is what happened there are many witnesses, it's your choice to believe it or not."


The sound of her hand on his cheek, his eyes widened. 'I pushed her to much.' He thought, but he expected this and knew that he deserved it as well.

She climbed down the stairs to his throne. "It's my choice right? Fine, I don't believe it. But Soo-Won hear this, you will regret making an enemy out of me." She made a high pitched whistle destroying their eardrums.

"I quit, find yourself a new army general."

"(Name), dear, don't be impulsive. Kouka needs you."

A horse burst into the room and she wasted no time in mounting the beautiful white creature. As soon as she was about to leave, she shot him one last glare.

As soon as she left it took a while but he recovered, he touched the red spot on his right cheek, which stung painfully, even without him touching it.

"Dramatic as ever, huh, (Name)?"

"Your Majesty, about the General (Name)'s position-"

"Keep it open, she'll be back."

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