28 - Never

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"As I have taken my throne I wanted to make some changes in my father's archaic way he rules his country. We did not allow any trade from outside. We didn't use to bother with alliances and of course our slavery laws..." The King trailed off while looking at (Name), "have been abolished like it should have been."

"It is nice to hear that my Country has come to grow this much."

"You should visit, (Name), I-I mean Commanding General (Name), everything has changed. For the good at that."

The female felt a sliver of cold run up her spine when she heard him say her name. His voice had grown so much deeper but the familiarity stayed and as did her hate for him.

"I would find it haunting to do so, Your Highness, but it was kind of you to offer."

He looked like he wanted to say a lot of things, guilt was clearly present in his expression which made (Name) feel better about herself a lot for some reason. But everyone knew it was not the right time.

"Both our countries have much to gain with this alliance."

"I agree." Soo-won said and looked at them for confirmation.

"It would help with the development of both our countries." Tatsuya said, shifting in his seat, slightly scared of what (Name) might say.

"There are many benefits, after talking through the every detail of this alliance only both parties should come to a final decision is my opinion. Because we were in the middle of an alliance between the Kai Empire and still it is a debatable matter and we all are aware of the political tension between Kai and Ru-ren."

"I agree, we will go through the fine print of the decision tomorrow, today, you should rest. Your Highness must be tired of this journey."

And they all stood up, adjourning the meeting, and bowed to each other.

"Commanding General (Name)?"

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"May I have a word?"

"It has been a while hasn't it not? Six years I think."

"Almost 7,"

They were in the Royal Garden with Tatsuya tailing them as they walked because he was a mother and cared about his child.

"So, how is life?"

(Name) just stared at him, not giving him an answer mostly because this seemed too unrealistic, she didn't know what to do other than just stayed composes.

When The King realised he wasn't going to get an answer he continued talking, "I'm sorry, for what I did. I know it was unacceptable-"

"You're gonna just show up out of nowhere and say you're sorry?"

He just looked stunned, his lips were moving as if he wanted to say something but the words weren't coming at this point. He took a while before finally calming down. "You remember Sei-ya?"

(Name) nodded, she remembered the pretty little princess who was an absolute spoiled brat in the most adorable sense of the word.

"Yeah, she and my mother were killed by this murderer. So-"

"Well I was raped by you and your men on ship on the way here. And I was caught for trying to kill. I was an outsider for years. I worked myself to the bone to prove myself and earn a name for myself. So if for one second I'm gonna fall for your little sob story then you're in for a disappointment. I'm sorry for your mother, she was a sweet women, who was stuck in that hellhole. So don't. Please." She shouted, doing her best not to cry. But the king could see her lips tremble and he softened his voice when he spoke the next few words.

"I've apologized to every single slave, every servant I've owned, every single one. And returned them to their families. You're the last one. And it wasn't a sob story (Name), I meant to say that it changed me. I'm not asking for your forgiveness, of all the people I've hurt, I've hurt you the most. You were a child too, and I want to apologise. I'm sorry."

"What happened? I don't believer you've changed because of their death. I'm sorry to say but you were too much of a self centered bitch."

He blinked twice before smiling slightly. "Well," He looked at the bush with a small blush creeping on his cheeks as if wondering if he should of should not say something, "Well, there was this slave. And she was a sweet one, I liked her so damn much maybe a bit too much. I didn't really know how but one thing led to another and... like... I married her."

She couldn't remember his name for some reason, it had faded from her mind, after all these years. "Yeah, well, you treat this girl real well. I pity her. I could never forgive you for what you did to me."

"I found your family."

(Name) took a sharp breath. This was all too much for her, all this was happening too fast and everything was a bit too fast. He held out a folded yellow paper. "It's your family photo and it has everything about your family in it."

"Did they sell me?"


"Did they or did they not? It was a simple question, Seungrin." Her voice more commanding this time and he smiled not intimidated by this by the least.

"It's Sun-gri,"

"Well, I don't fucking care."

"I'm sorry but...."

"Where are they."

"They're here."

(Name) took a few steps away from him and just stared at the wall they had a clear view of.

"In Awa, from what I've gathered."

"Thank you." She whispered, "But that doesn't mean that I forgive you Sun-gri I can never forgive you for what you did. I never will."

"I expected as much."

He fell to his knees which surprised her even more but she didn't tell him to get up simply moved a bit away.

He kneeled with his forehead on the floorand placed his hands between his head gland the floor. "I never expect you to forgive me, but I'm really sorry for my actions, Bwaek (Name)."

"That's my name?"


"Bwaek (Name)..." She said dreamily, it suited for some reason, in her mind, automatically smiled.

"Ummm... Not to interrupt but like my knees hurt."

"Rot in hell."

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