6 - Back to the past I

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(An: this is going to be about the Readers past somewhere 6 years ago. Just to clear doubts the reader is 17 years old)

"Just shoot and escape"

That's all your mission was about, but it got a lot more complicated than that.

As of right now you was kneeling in front of the king with two guards holding your hands. Your whole body was cover with black and blue bruises and it refused to move.

The king was in the throne and there was the black haired kid who had caught you, along with a blonde who had helped.

"What is your name, child?" The Kings soft voice was heard.

You said nothing, mostly because you couldn't, your throat was dry, caked with your own blood and dehydration was playing a very important role. If you were to talk right surely you would sound like a frog.

A much taller black haired male came, and pointed a sword at your neck. "He asked for your name."

You looked at the sword, taking in the sharpness of it but she still remained silent. You knew who the man was, of course. Everyone did. It was the Kings brother, the general, the one person you was supposed to avoid.

He kneeled to your height and looked at her throat for a while. "Bring a glass of water for the prisoner."

And as soon as it was handed to you, you drank it greedily.

"Now your name."

You hesitated again.

"(Name)." a whisper was heard, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Is it true that you were sent to assassinate the Princess?"

You remained silent for a little more time. But soon gave curt nod.

"Who sent you?" The dark haired male spoke again.

"I don't know. My master asked of me to do so." You replied, a bit of your hesitation disappearing.

The man nodded and looked at his more peaceful brother, the King.

"Your master?" It was the King Il who asked this time.

"Yes, your majesty."

The King looked at her sadly as though pitying her situation.

"Slavery." The black haired boy, the one responsible for her capture, spoke. The blonde haired boy standing next to him widened his eyes.

"Take her to the dungeons. We'll decide what to do with her." The general spoke.

"Wait." The king stopped the soldier who were about to drag you away. "You fought against her, didn't you, Hak? How is she?"

"If the old man hadn't interfered I'd have lost." He admitted.

You almost smiled at this.

"I'm better than you. You'd have lost if Gramps hadn't butted in!" The boy had yelled at her.

"Hmm, Your highness? " (An: I'm dying of laughter right now because I typed highness like higness accidently at it corrected to hotness. Your hotness! 😂😂😂)

"I suggest you allow me to train her. To make Hak admit that she would have to be good. As I have understood Hak is not one to give lip-service."

'Train me?' She looked at the King who seemed to be really considering it.

"I agree. Why don't you have (Name) attend training along with Soo-won and Hak?"

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