Chapter 4: The Battle for Lekaros

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As Gimli went to request help from the minotaurs, Aragon rallied his forces to face the overwhelming army. Their plan was this: hold out for as long as possible until Gimli returned. As the orc army marched over the horizon, Aragon issued orders to his men.

"Whatever happens here today know this: If we all die, we shall die knowing that we defended our world with honor."

As the orc army charged toward the city, elven archers rained down arrows on the orcs. Those who made it to the walls, were slain by cavalry. The orcs responded by sending their entire army at the gates. While their army charged forwards, they lay siege to the city with catapults. The griffins and eagles swooped in and destroyed the siege weapons. By that time, the orcs and destroyed the gates and were flooding into the city. The archers on the wall now turned into the city and fired upon the invaders.

Soon afterwards, dwarves rushed from the buildings and rammed the orcs and goblins. The fighting was taking place throughout the city. Dwarves with battle axes, men with swords, and elves with spears against orcs, goblins, trolls, wolves, and ghouls. Basilisks soon stormed the walls, breaking through them with incredible force. All seemed lost for their world.

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