Book Two of Wars of Immortal Mortals

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The Monster

Chapter One

The darkness creeps closer to me and my dying fire. I place some more dead logs into the hungry flames to drive back the growing shadows. I hear something. I pull out my gun. I aim down the rusty barrel. Someone comes into the light of my fire. I look down on them. They look like they've been well cared for all their life. The thing that really throws me off is their wings and tail. They smile gently at me" Hello." I aim at her head. She lighting fast puts a weapon under my chin and aim at my throat. I say" Seems we're tied." She must be after my supplies. She keeps smiling" Put down your gun. I'm merely passing through. I'll have to tell if you try to take my supplies." I put down my gun and let her pass. As she's walking she tosses something out of her bag. I brace myself for a grenade. It doesn't do anything, so I go over to it. It is a can of food. I put it with my other supplies. I will have to go again soon or make myself a shelter. I sit back down next to my fire. I fall asleep. When I wake I feel something around my wrists. I sit up in the pitch black shadows. All my stuff is gone. I sigh and feel around for a sharp rock. I touch something sharp. It cuts my hand. I use it to cut through the rope. After I'm finished I pick it up. It feels like metal. I feel around in my bag. It's empty except for a few matches. I find a stick and lite it. I hold the object to it. It is covered in dirt and ice. I melt off the ice and wipe off the dirt. It is a sword. I hold up my torch as I hear rustling in the undergrowth.

Someone comes out of the darkness. She looks around. She asks" Have ya seen my sword? Some foolish humans ran off with it." I hold up the sword" This it?" She nods" Yep." She looks at me" Ya probably need it more actually. Ya can keep it." Now I'm suspicious. I ask her" Why?" She says calmly" Ya have nothing and are mortal while I am undead." I back away. Undead rise at the worst times. She shrugs" That's the normal reaction. I'm not one of those undead." She comes fully into the light. I fall backwards in shock. She has blood red ears on the top of her head and blood red wings. She says" I'm a bat demon." My torch goes out. Her eyes are glowing bright red. She looks down. When she looks up she turns on a working flashlight" No need to be afraid of me. I'm not gonna hurt ya." I get up. She asks" What's ya name?" This is the first time someone has asked me that. I stutter" My name is Little Sparrow." She does a small bow" I'm Rainbow. Nice to meet ya Little Sparrow." Her ear twitches and she turns around. A darkness beast comes into view. Rainbow makes a weird noise. The beast makes the noise back and flies away. Rainbow turns around" I see bats mutated. Last time I saw one it was tiny." Her wings look like the darkness beast's wings. Her ears look like its ears. She starts to go. She has a light source and can stop darkness beasts. I ask" Where are you going?" She stops" My home. Let me guess ya wanna come with me because I have light and can fend off animals."

I gulp" Yes." She starts walking again" Ya can come with." I follow her. We walk for a long time. We stop at an cave entrance. She enters. I follow her in with a quick glance at the stars. The tunnel is long and winding. I lose sight of the light. I start to run. I see a bright light. Rainbow is waiting in a giant, well lit, warm cavern. She says" Welcome to my home." The ground is covered in scrap metal and old electronic parts. On the walls are old photographs and weapons. I'm impressed. It must of taken a lot of scavenging to get all this stuff. She tells me" I don't scavenge. I got all this stuff years ago. Back when the sun lit the world." She shakes her head" Ya need supplies?" I hesitate then nod. I hate to admit it but I need help if I want to survive. She goes to a big brick thing. She puts a lot of scrap metal in it. She starts a fire under it and tells me" Ya can get some food and water from the second tunnel to the northeast on the first level." She points at a tunnel when she notices my confusion" That tunnel. Don't take from the glass jars. I'm not sure how old that stuff is." I go into the tunnel. At the end of it is a smaller cavern filled completely with food. I take only what I need. I don't want to ruin Rainbow's generosity. She is being very generous. I go back to the main cavern. Rainbow tosses me a set of armor. This is the best armor I have ever seen. She says" Go ahead and see if it fits." I put it on. The armor is light and a perfect fit. How did she make it a perfect fit without measurements? Why is it so light?

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