Level 10 ✦ Voice Fetishes

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Level 10

Voice Fetishes

"You went out on a date with Esmond?" Hudson exclaimed, the next day at school. We were currently on our twenty-minute break, and after explaining to Hudson and Gavin why I "disappeared," they wanted me to give them a full rundown of what I had been up to.

"Not a date," I said, blushing. "He just took me out to pizza because first of all, he wanted to piss off Mr. Douchebag, and second of all, he just wanted to apologize for almost 'tripping' me."

"I still can't believe that Brayden is his brother," Gavin said, taking a granola bar from his backpack. "I mean, according to your description of these two guys, Brayden sounds like an arrogant prick while Esmond sounds like the opposite, the ideal man that girls would fawn over."

I sighed. "I'm on the same page as you. I have no idea how they're even remotely related as well."

"How about Ryan?" Hudson asked. He leaned in closer to me.

"Ryan...he's..." I racked my brain for the correct word. "Handsome." I finally said, dreamily. "And he probably has the sexiest voice alive."

Hudson frowned. "I thought you said that Recoil Madness had the sexiest voice alive."

"Yeah well, both he and Ryan have sexy voices, so case closed." And so does Esmond, but his is slightly different. More like silk. Oh god, I need to stop swooning over voices.

Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of break. I got up from my spot on the bench and slung my backpack over my shoulder. "I'll see you guys at lunch."


"Okay, I'm wondering..." I started, during AP Calc. I turned to face Gavin. "What did Triple Ware announce last night? Since I was with Esmond the whole time, I was barely there to hear what they had said." Being that it was math class, and Gavin shared it with me, we usually sat together. Hence, why I could talk to him.

Gavin held up a hand to give him a moment. He was scribbling down the answer to a math equation. When he was done, he looked at me. "Right. I forgot to tell you last night."

"Tell me what?" Uh oh, this doesn't sound good. Gavin looked really serious.

"Triple Ware announced yesterday that the clans have to be comprised of more than four people per team. Since they didn't specify that enough and most people had five or three people on their teams, Triple Ware decided to extend the deadline for another week."

"In other words, we need to find another person," I said. I groaned. "Oh man! I don't know anyone who'd like to game with us."

"I know," Gavin replied, glumly. "But I'm sure it'll work out in the end. You have lots of friends, don't you?"

"By friends, you must mean classroom buddies. I don't have any friends besides you and Hudson."

"What about Esmond?" Gavin asked, frowning. "Isn't he your friend?"

"I only recently started talking to him," I said. "If it weren't for that time when Hudson had slammed the door on us, we'd probably still be strangers to one another."

"Wait, since when did Hudson slam the door on you guys?"

I blushed. Oops. I never really told him about the storage room incident. "Uh...a few days ago?"

"Leaving me out of things. Hmph, I see how it is," he said, crossing his arms and laying them over his chest. Mock anger.

"You know..." I suddenly thought back to Esmond and how he had told me that he used to videogame. "I think Esmond might be able join..."

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