Running from the past

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I've been having these dreams about sitting at a table, laughing with my brother Haruka. I was happy and content. Sooner or later, though, you always have to wake up.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked around my small compartment. If it wasn't for the straps around me, I would be floating around. After all when your in cryo, you don't dream at all, although i did the entire time. I groaned at the horrible feeling storing in my stomach. It feels like I've had way to much to drink and a kick in the stomach by a grown horse.

I ignored the thought as I heard a clicking noise, then the bed I was strapped down to began to pull out. Haruka was the scientist, not me. He was the one who wanted to come all the way out here in space to explore the universe.

I heard voices, so I turned my head to see. There was a man beside me who also was strapped down to a bed. A person who looked like a doctor was checking him, asking the man if he was alright. But he asked the doctor if we were there yet. I smirked at the doctor saying yes sunshine. The doctor unties the man's stapes, then comes to me.

"You feeling okay kid?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm good." He unstrapped me, and moved on to the next. All these memories kept flashing through my mind, as I floated up from my bed. I remembered that day my whole life changed.

I had been at home enjoying the music that flowed out of the speaker in the living room. It was still morning and I had dropped off my twin early that morning, so I just lounged around waiting for him to come home. The door bell rang disturbed my peace and made me internally curse whoever was calling for ruining my relaxation time.

I grabbed my cup of tea off the counter before, walking over to answer the door. When I opened it, I saw two men in black coats. Their faces hard and expressionless. I felt a light movement of fear stir up inside me. Something didn't feel right. I put my cup down on a stand by the door before looking the two men in the face, fear still stirring in the pit of my stomach.

"Can I help you gentlemen?"

The taller of the two spoke, his voice unfeeling. "It's about your brother Haruka." It felt as if something dropped in my belly, a heavy feeling taking over me.

My voice was still strong as I spoke. "What happened? Is he okay?"

"Your brother Haruka was in a laboratory accident early this morning." My heart stopped. Please don't say what I think you're going to say. "He didn't make it."

Sorrow hit me hard. The only person who loved me and cared for me was gone. My only reason for living had disappeared from my life. I walked over to a chair in my kitchen as i let it sink in. my Haru wasnt coming home for lunch. he wasnt coming home at all.I watched through hard eyes, as the two men walked into my kitchen and stood in front of me.

I listened numbly as the tall man began to speak again, still speaking with his unfeeling, cold voice.

"Your brother represented a significant investment. We'd like to talk to you about taking over his contract."

The other man, the shorter one, began to speak. "And since your genome is identical to his, besides the female part,  you could step into his shoes."

I was silent, as I took it all in. They clearly didn't care about what was going through my mind. They didn't care that someone from their science division just died and now they're giving his spot to someone else. But that's what happens in work places, you're so easily replaced without a second thought.

The taller man walked a  bit closer to me. "It'd be a fresh start on a new world. And the pays good. Very good." Silently, I thought about it. There was no other reason for me to stay here with Haru gone. I looked up, my eyes not giving away a single thing that I felt, non of the pain and loneliness that was beginning to consume me.

Running from the pastWhere stories live. Discover now