Chapter 11

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Shou's P.O.V

Tora and I left the school, heading to my house. I unlocked the door and we entered. We went to my room and he sat on my bed.

"I have lots of homework." I said, sitting at my desk. He rolled his eyes and stood up. I went through my school bag and pulled out my homework.

I began answering the questions. Too easy, what grade is this really? I felt my chair being pulled from the desk. Tora pulled me out of the chair and kissed me.I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

"Hey Shou. Do you-" my sister cut herself off as she entered. Tora pulled back and we both glared at her.

"Nevermind. I have places to go." She said and closed the door, going downstairs and leaving. I rolled my eyes and Tora pulled me into another kiss.

"Let me fuck you." He said when he broke the kiss. I shook my head. "My parents will be home soon." I replied. He sighed and pushed me to the bed. "T-tora. Don't force me!" I screamed.

He began sucking on my neck, leaving a dark bruise. I pushed him away. "Tora I can't do it!" I screamed. I felt the tears flowing freely now. "I'm sorry." He said and tried to hug me. I pushed him away.

"Shou, I'm-"

"No. I don't care. Just leave me alone." I interrupted him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a kiss.

"I'm sorry, baby." He said after breaking the kiss. I rolled me eyes. "No your not. Just leave." I replied, handing him his bag. I pushed him out my room and slammed it shut, locking it.I leaned against it and slid down it.

Ruki's P.O.V

I awoke in a bath tub, Reita and Keiko both looking at me. Reita pulled me into a hug. Then I realized I was naked. "R-reita." I said. Then nothing.

I awoke again. This time it was dark. I sat up, looking around. "Where's Reita?" I mumbled and got out of the bed. I went downstairs and saw Reita sitting on the couch while Keiko was sitting in a chair, reading a book.

I walked to the couch and sat in Reita's lap, laying my head against his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead.

Keiko looked up and smiled at me. "Are you hungry Ruki? I made dinner while you was out." She said. Reita scoffed.

"You didn't cook that. It came from the restuarant down the street that you ordered it from." Reita commented. Keiko threw her book, hitting Reita in the face with it. "Bitch" he hissed.

Keiko smirked and went to the kitchen, coming back with a box full a ramen and handing me chopsticks.

"Thanks." I replied and opened the box. I began eat the ramen. Reita kept trying to steal bites until Keiko smacked him.

"That's Ruki's food." She said and Reita rolled his eyes. "Yes mother." He scoffed. I smiled at his foolishness.

I finished the ramen and placed the box and chopsticks on the coffee table. I stood and went to the shelf full of movies. I picked out the scary movie I wanted and put it in the DVD player. I went back to the couch and sat in Reita's lap again. I leaned back into his chest and placed my feet on the table. The movie began to play.

Keiko sat in her chair and watched the movie. Soon she started screaming from all the gorey scenes. I pulled my feet back onto the couch and snuggled into Reita's arms.

Tora's P.O.V

I made my way to the hell I call home. I was greeted by a smack in the face. "Welcome home bitch." Dad said with a smile. I placed my hand on my cheek. "Your mother died in a car accident." He the. Said after some time. I nodded, knowing better than to speak.

"So now, I have no one to help with my problem. But I guess you will do." He said and grabbed my arm. He pulled me upstairs and threw me on his bed.

"P-please. Don't do it." I pleaded, putting my hands out in defense. He a belt and smack my arm with it. The sting was unbearable.

He climbed onto the bed and began stripping me. I grabbed his hands to stop their task.

He reached and grabbed the belt. He swang his arm and poped me in the face with the belt. I felt my tears flowing. Why is he doing this.

He stripped the rest of my clothes and began to undo his pants. Then the door bell rang. Holy shit! Maybe some angel has come to save me!

He ignored it and prepared to enter me. I closed my eyes tightly. Then I heard foot steps coming down the hall.

"Keep your fucking mouth shut." He said in a threatening tone. He opened the door and there stood a cop. "Help me!" I screamed as loud as I could and dad turned toward me. "Shut the fuck up woman." He shouted.

Woman? I'm not a woman the cop looked at me then dad and rolled his eyes. "Sir, why is a naked, crying boy in your room?" He asked.

"That's not a boy. It's my wife. She has meltdowns. She is having on right now." He replied. The cop shook his head and pulled out handcuffs.

"Your under arrest for rape or molestation. Depends how far you got." The cop said and took my dad down the hall.

He came back for me. "How long has this been happening?" He asked. "This is the second time." I replied, pulling my boxers on. The officer nodded. "How far as he got?" The cop asked.

"The first time.. all the way. This time, you came before he could do anythin." I replied. The cop nodded.

"Get dressed, pack your bags. Go to a friends or something." He said and went to the living room. I went to my room and packed my clothes. I headed outside and watched as the cop left with my father. I smiled, dumb bastard going to jail.

I shouldn't have lied. This was the first time he has done anything like this. Oh well, that bastard is getting better than what he deserves.

I went to Shou's house. I knocked on the door and his mom answered. "Hi." I said smiling. She looked as if in shock.

"Tora, what happened. How did you get that mark?" She asked, grabbing my arm. I flinched at the pain. "My dad did it. He was going to rape me but a cop came to the house, to talk about my mother's death." I replied. She grabbed my other arm and pulled me inside. Shou was coming down the stairs but froze when he saw me.

"Tora, are you ok?" He asked, coming and hugging me. I smiled at him. "Yeah I'm fine." I replied. Shou's mom pulled my to the dinning room, forcing me to sit in a chair. "What happened?" Shou asked.

"My dad tried to rape me. When I was defending myself he hit me twice with a belt. I cop came by the house and stopped him from doing anything." I replied. I rolled up the sleeve to my shirt. My arm had began to bruise where the belt hit me.

"If I didn't make you leave, this wouldn't of happened." Shou said sadly. "Yes it would. He just wouldn't have been stopped or arrested." I replied and hugged him. I kissed his cheek.

I let him go and his mom entered the room. "You can stay here." She said and held an Icepack over the bruise on my face. I smiled.

"Thank you." I replied

Author's Note

It appears that Tora was hurt pretty badly T_T

Haha Reita, you got hit with a book! XD

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