Chapter 3

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In less than 10 minutes, the pizza came.

Gabbi, Addi and I were sitting at the Island, talking about bitches at school and on Snapchat and stuff, when the pizza dude knocked.

I got up and answered the front door. A guy at around 16 stood there with our two pizzas.
"Uh...that'll be, $23.50 please..." he said. I nodded.

"I'll be back in two seconds." I said, as Gabbi came over.
I quickly ran downstairs to ask the guys if they had any money.

"Guys! I only have fifty cents! I need another 23 dollars!" I exclaimed.

Derek pulled out a 20 dollar bill, handing it to me.
Bryce stood up and took out his wallet, taking out a 5 dollar bill.
"Thanks." I said, taking the bill and running upstairs.

I gave the money to the guy outside, and he gave me the pizza.
"Thank you." I said, before shutting the door.

"GUYS! PIZZAA!!" Addi yelled.
Derek, Tayler and Bryce came rushing up the stairs.
"After this guys, I'm gonna have to go." Tayler said. "Aweee..." I said, as I sat down in between Derek and Gabbi.

I took a piece of cheese pizza from one of the boxes and took a large bite from it.
"Is Durk staying over?" I asked Bryce, as Mom came in, taking some pizza.
"He can if he wants." She said, leaning on the island.
"Sure, I don't mind." He muttered.

"Where's Mikey?" She asked.
"Oh, Mikey got pissed at me because I kissed Tay." I said, taking another bite of pizza.
"Well, he kissed m-...!"
"What? You and Tayler fucking Holder kissed?!" Bryce exclaimed.
"Well, yeah." I muttered.
"Language, Bryce." Mom said, as she left to go in to watch some TV.
"Sorry, but anyway! Why?" He asked.
I shrugged. "Tay, why don't you say something!" I said.
"I wasn't supposed to kiss her!" He muttered.
"What?" Bryce asked.
"I wasn't supposed to kiss Brooke! Like I didn't want to, but I guess I just did...and then she kissed back..." he told my brother.

"But you kissed me earlier when I was crying!" I exclaimed.
"That's cause I felt sorry for you!" Tayler retorted.
"So all of this!" I practically yelled, moving my hands around in circles. "Was all a big fucking mistake!"

"Pretty much, yeah!" Tayler exclaimed, getting up.
I also got up, taking my slice of pizza with me, and grabbing another one before going up to my room.

I slammed the door and sat down in my desk chair, and laughing at myself for eating in a sulk.

A couple of minutes later, there was a knock at the door. "Come in..." I muttered.
Derek walked in. "Hey..." he said.
"What's up, Durky-boy?" I asked, taking the first bite out of my second slice of pizza.
"We have one last slice of pizza downstairs if you want it." He muttered.
"I'm not leaving my room until Tayler is gone." I said.
"Tayler left right after you stormed up here, in your big temper tantrum." He told me.
"Belt the fuck up." I said, getting up.
I walked over to him, eating another bit of my pizza.
He picked me up like a two year old, and brought me downstairs.

"Who likes my new baby?" He asked, sitting on the barstool with me sat on his knee.
Bryce rolled his eyes as Gabbi burst out laughing.
"Where's my little sister?" Derek asked.
"Your mom called her to go home." Gabbi told him.
"Daddy?" I asked, trying to play along.
His jaw suddenly dropped a little and he blushed.
"Y-yeah?" He asked, looking at Bryce and Gabbi.

"Am I seriously the only one that doesn't know what that means?" I asked.
"If you're not laughing then, yeah." Gabbi said.
I rolled my eyes, as there was a knock at the front door.
"I'll get it." Bryce said, hopping down from his barstool, as I finished my second slice of pizza.

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