Chapter 2: School Antics

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Chapter 2: School Antics

"Rocky! Rocky wake up you bum!" Jordan said while shaking me awake. I moaned and pulled the covers over my head.

"Five more minutes." I mumbled.

"You don't have any more time to sleep! The school changed the assembly to this morning! We need to be there in fifteen minutes!" He shouted, still shaking my shoulders.

"I thought today was Saturday?"

"No, it's Monday, we did nothing the entire weekend."

"So the assembly is today?"

"Yes, yes it is."

"You've got to be kidding me." I groaned.

"No, I'm not. Hurry up!" He said. I pulled the covers off and shoved him out of the room, I reached into my closet and pulled out a plain black t-shirt and a bright red skirt. I grabbed some plain black flats that sparkled slightly and left my room. Jordan was waiting for me in the hallway, my purse in his hands. Taking if from him I bopped him on the nose, but before I could leave the house he grabbed my arm.

"Wait, I have something for you." He told me. I heard a box opening and closing, then I felt the coldness of metal on my neck. Looking down I saw a small amethyst heart that was lined with silver. I gasped and turned around quickly, giving him a giant hug.

"Thank you so much, why though?" I asked, not trying to sound rude.

"Cause, you deserve it. It's almost been a year, one whole year since we started dating. And, you're beautiful just like this necklace." He told me holding my hands. I kissed him on the cheek and pulled him out the door. We hopped into his car and in around five minutes we were at the school. Getting out of the car I took Jordan's hand and we walked through the front doors, it was a good sized school, not too big but yet not too small. As soon as we entered the hallway I spotted a sign that said Office -->,we walked down to the office and talked to the secretary.

"Hello! We're here to speak at the upcoming assembly this morning. We were told to speak to a Mr. Joseph?" Jordan said.

"Oh! You must be Rocky and Jordan right?" She replied politely.

"Yes, that's us!" I replied.

"He's in the gym right now, I'll call down the student representative we had set up for you to take you down there." She replied with a smile.

"Thank you!" Jordan said happily. As she called down the student, I looked around the office. It had the usual stuff, you know, plaques, pictures, things like that. All of the sudden a male, around the age of twelve to thirteen came crashing through the door.

"Hi Mrs.G, I'm here for the two guests." He said excitedly.

"This is Kenny, he'll be taking you down to the gym." We followed him out of the office and down towards the gym. He was obviously excited, based on the way he was walking and talking.

"Let me guess, your excited right?" I asked him. He nodded and almost crashed into a set of lockers. I held back a laugh as he blushed and continued to walk.

"I take it you know who we are?" Jordan asked with his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, I've been watching you for almost three years now. Two for you Rocky." He said holding his head with his hand.

"Well, it's always nice to meet a fan." I answered.

"And we're here! I've been told to wait with you guys, in case you need anything or something." He told us, holding the gym's door open. I walked inside and luckily it didn't smell of sweat or dirty gym socks, up on the stage was a table set with two chairs and microphones, behind that was a screen for the slideshow type thing Jordan planned. As I walked closer, I saw out of the corner of my eye, Jordan talking to Kenny in private. I didn't really care, so I went up to the stage and sat down. Sighing I pulled out my phone and texted Vivian.

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