•Chapter 11•

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Olivia and I talked for a while, getting to know each other. I discovered she liked stand up paddle boarding.
"So, would you like to go swimming or something?„  I asked, which Olivia eagerly nodded to.
"I'll be back in a minute" I said, heading up stairs and changing into some suitable clothes.
"Bye dad! I'm going down to the beach with Liv" I shouted as we headed down to the beach.
We had great fun together, Laughing and talking, we got to the beach, putting our stuff in the tower and running into the water.

We played around for a bit until we decided to head home, after all, we had things to do and people to see.

We got our belongings from the tower, racing back home.

Sorry it's late,  I don't have an excuse. ALSO sorry it's short!!!

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