Chapter 7

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Lauren's POV
My eyes fluttered open and I heard lots of She's awake and guys look. I wasn't where I went to sleep at in Gavin's bed I was in a plain white room.

Get the doctor someone said so I'm guessing I'm in a hospital. I tried to speak but it came out like a groan.
"Shh, shh it's okay" it was Shay my eyes widened. I edged away from him. Tears formed in my eyes.

"How could you" I tried to say but it came out like a whisper.
"W-what did I do" he asked concerned.
"You left me,you hurt me and Colette I don't understand why" I stated. I looked at Shay the expression on his face suggested I just told him something that shocked him I looked at Colette she looked shocked too. "I'm guessing that was all just a dream" I said mad because I let it get the better of me. They both just nodded as if to say it was all a dream.

"You would never do that, would you?" I asked.
"No, no sweetie I would never do that don't ever think otherwise" he said softly. I hugged him.
"Sorry" I whispered into his ear. I then went to hug Colette I hugged her her cast was sore against my shoulder.
"He's crying, isn't he"i whispered.
"Thought so" I whispered. I turned round and kissed him on the cheek.
"Love you" I said I turned over to see a Colette trying to look angry but failing.
"So Mr and Mrs butler Lauren is fine and you are free to go if she has any problems breathing bring her back immediately" said the doctor.
"Colette babe, take the kids to the car I want to talk with Lauren" shay said while kissing Colette.
"What was that about?" Shay asked.
"Errr... Nothing" I said trying to walk out but he blocked the door.
"Tell me" he said sternly.
"No shan't" I said putting up a fight.
"Tell me, NOW" he said.
"No, Let me GO" I said.
"Not until you tell me" he said.
"I guess we're both not getting what you want" I said.
"I have a way" he said coming closer to me, I saw an escape because he was closer to me than the door I sprinted for the door opened it and ran down the hallway I didn't know where the car was so I just ran down a isle of parked cars Shay was close behind so I picked up my pace. He was coming to tickle me brilliant. I saw the car so with all my strength I sprinted to the car. I opened the door and I was behind Shay's seat I climbed in.
"Lock the doors"i said.
"Why?" Colette asked
"Just do it" I said she didn't Shay was around the other side of the car so I jumped out. Slammed the door. Then ran. Shay noticed he started running after me we kept on running eventually I came across a park. I walked in I checked behind me to see if Shay was close. Nope. I sat on the swing when suddenly someone sat next to me it was Casey.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"Nothing really,you?" He stated
" Running from Shay. Shh, someone's coming" I saw a TRIXIN hat through the bushes.
"Gotta go bye" I said before jumping over the fence and hiding in a bush.
"Where'd she go" Shay said vlogging pointing the camera at Casey Lavere who is here on holiday.
"Emm that way" he said pointing my direction.
"Seriously" I said to Casey me and Shay looked at each other I ran and he followed me. I ran back to the Parking Lot and through loads of parked cars I saw the car and Colette saw me. I was finding it difficult to breathe but I kept running out of Colette's sight finally I was far enough away. I sat down Shay couldn't see me he was calling my name.
"Hey babe, I can't find her" Shay shouted to Colette.
Tear started rolling down my face.
"they care about me" I whispered.
"No they don't they are trying to find you so they can hurt you" said someone it was my dad. I stood up.
"Don't say things like that" I gasped. I walked towards Shay. My dad punched the back of my head. But I kept walking he pushed me to the ground. He laughed and kicked my stomach.
"Haha, that's what you get you di** head bi***" my dad said while laughing.
"Hey, that's enough" Shay shouted.
"Not for me it's not" my 'dad' said he then kicked my in the face, the back and the stomach. Shay chased after humans Colette ran to my side.
"It hurts" I said whist crying.
"Shh yeah I know, it will" she said "don't move it could make something worse "
" Tell shay to take the kids home and can you and Gavin stay? Please" I asked.
"Yeah, Gavin come here and make sure she doesn't move I'm going to get some help!" She shouted. Gavin ran to my side and lay down he kissed my forehead and I started to cry.
"Stay by my side all day and all night please don't leave me" I whispered.
"I won't, I promise" with that I fell asleep


When I woke up my arm was in a cast.
"Gavin" I said
"Huh wha hi" he said.
"You have a visitor" the doctor said.
"Let them come in" I said. It was Deano.
"Hi" I said getting excited.
"Hey girlie" he said I giggled.
"How's you?" I asked.
"Good, good you?" He said.
"Well long story short never go near my 'dad' Cullen" I said.
"Oh Darlin' are you ok?" he asked
"Yep, now what did you wanna talk about?"
shay and Colette were both in the room
"Well as you know Shay and Colette can't keep looking after you because they have 5 other kids and if they legally adopted you you and Gavin wouldn't be able to date so....." i cut him off.
"How did you know about that?" I asked
"Gavin anyway so me and Lilly are going to adopt you"he said.
"Yes yes yes yes yes thank you thank you"i said.
"And we're moving here" Colette said.
"Yes and Colette there is something your not telling anyone not even shay isn't there" I said, she gulped
"Yes" she said
"Your pregnant aren't you" I said
"Yes" she said "how did you find out?"She asked.
"Learn to hide thing better" I said as I threw the two pregnancy sticks at her she catches them.
"Surprise" she said Shay looks mad.
"Ok Deano let's leave so they can sort their problems out" I said. I gave Colette a kiss on the cheek and a hug and I kissed Shay on the cheek and hugged him I stood up straight
"Thank you for everything I love you" I said I walked out the door I walked into Gavin and gave him a big long kiss
"Love you" I said
"Deano I forgot my phone it's with Colette can I run back and get it" I asked him.
"Sure hurry up" he replied I ran down the hall into the room and Shay and Colette were making out.
"Gee I said sort out your problems not make more and Colette my phone is in your back pocket" I said. Shay was on top of her and he wasn't getting of or he wasn't going stop kissing her he reached into her back pocket and grabbed my phone and put his hand in her back pocket.
"Bye" I said. I ran down the hall back to Deano.
"Take it, I don't want it" I said.
"What why?"he asked
"they were making out on the bed" I said he just laughed
"Let's get you home" he said.
"So your room is designed around a beach I hope you like it"

~~~~~time skip to Deano's house~~~~~
"Hey I'm Lilly nice to meet you this is Lucy and Gussy" she said pointing to the two children.
"Should we show you your room" said Lucy. She grabbed my hand and walked upstairs. She opened a door (room at top)
"This is yours" she said
"Wow" I said
"Pretty awesome right" someone said It was Jesse.
"Holy.." I got cut of by Deano
"Don't say it" he said sternly.
"Cheesecake Factory workers"
We all laughed .

Hey guys imma leave it here
Hope you enjoyed it
Lauren xx

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