Miracles Happen

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"At the top of your game" they say, "You are ready for whatever the world brings you", "There is nothing holding you back now", these are not uncommon remarks made to an honor university graduate following convocation. Well, feeling on top of the world was the one of the ways I could describe my daughter, Megan. She had just completed her degree as a Registered Nurse through the Nursing Education Program of Saskatchewan (NEPS).

Megan was offered a position in Pediatrics at Royal University Hospital after graduation but chose to come back to her home town and start her life as a nurse at the local hospital. Yes, she had met the man of her dreams and her true love right close to home!

Megan and Logan started dating in July 2013; this confident woman soon blossomed and we could tell her heart was taken. The growing love they shared was so wonderful to watch, they were perfect for one another, and this was noticed by everyone.

Over the next year, the two grew closer and closer, they enjoyed getting to know each other and experiencing life's adventures. From fishing their favorite spots on the river to enjoying the night life of Saskatoon with their friends, Kayaking peacefully along the lake to the race of catching a Calgary flames game on a road trip. They enjoyed the same things and grew together as a couple.

Who knew their biggest journey was yet to come, who could imagine having your love tested this short into the game....only true love prevails and such an amazing love story it is.

only true love prevails and such an amazing love story it is

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It was September 15, 2014, I remember coming home that day for lunch, Megan had just worked her last night of three and was just getting up when I arrived home. She was planning on going out to see Logan at the worksite as she had not seen him all weekend. This was a regular occurrence for her as she wanted to spend as much time with him, as she could. As I headed back to work, she said, "come here mom", I followed her to her room, "try this on". She had her fitted black blazer in her hand, "this will look better with that outfit" she said. For years I picked out the girls clothes and was their biggest critic, now they are doing the same to me. I took her advice and put her cute black blazer on with my outfit, little did I know, it would be my outfit for the next 2 days and that blazer would be hard to take off.

I headed back to work to finish the day. It seemed like a normal day, no worries on my mind other than what I was going to make for supper and was I going to have enough time to finish my report for tomorrow, when the phone rang. It was Logan, he said "I have something to tell you Michelle, Megan has had an accident, and has fallen from the roof of the house I was shingling". He said "the ambulance is here and we are on our way to the hospital, they said she was going to be ok", with a tremor in his voice. At that point, my heart sunk and I panicked, I need to see her, will she be ok? My immediate thoughts were did she break something, is she bleeding? The accident site was 30 minutes away from Nipawin and the ambulance was on its way but this time seemed to be standing still and taking forever. I knew Megan's dad Matt, had gone to the farm after work as they were in the middle of harvest. I hoped he had his phone nearby and could get here quickly, I so needed him to be with me. Luckily he answered and headed straight for town.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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