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" She was beautiful,

She was lethal,

She was a mystery,

She was the queen of the

Night. "


The dance was exotic, feral, and primitive. Her rage fueled her in her exhausted stage, and her will never wavering. It was her mission, it was her promise, one she had to fulfill to show them that she was not to be messed with. That she wasn't called the Queen of the Night, Ealls Assassin for nothing.  Her name wasn't whispered around the country with fear for no reason, even the mere mention of her name had sent people and opposing criminals running.

The pickaxe in her hands swung for the prison guards that were miserably failing at trying to restrain, sedate and to put her back in her cell. The axe dug into the back of a guard earning a cry of pain which was music to her ears, and the taste of fear, blood and death was what she had lived on for past twelve years, fueled her resolve even further.

The guards, clad in the same royal blue uniforms had formed a circle around her, weapons unsheathed and pointing at the rampaging assassin. Even when they had outnumbered the seventeen year old girl that was the biggest criminal in Ealls for years, they stood no chance against her. Debris filled the air making harder to see and breath but the assassin kept going. She parted the circle of guards, throwing her axe onto her shoulders and making a mad dash towards the concrete walls that loomed over all the prisoners. Taunting them, telling them that they will and can never escape from the wretched place.

Irafas, was a death camp for prisoners, none survived more than a year at most without ending up dead in the trenches. Prisoners were whipped, regularly for no reason, but only to implant fear so that none would try to escape. The prison was notorious for its security and ways of breaking criminals until they were nothing but submissive, meek slaves for the king to use. It was not known around the country on how the king used his very prisoners and turned them into puppets to use in the war. Most the people held captive were citizens of countries the loathsome monster that sat on a throne made of blood, had captured under his control.

The queen of the Night threw her axe at the incoming herd of royal blue. Her aim had not faltered or rusted over the seven months she had spent at the death camp, the axe hit a soldier square on his head. Embedding itself into his skull making a gruesome wound from with blood sprouted like fountain. The blood, stained the ground, marking the spot of the man's death before the assassin came and yanked out the axe. She swung the bloody weapon using both her hands, out in front of her. Parting the royal blue herds snaking room for her make another mad dash towards the wall that taunted her. Daring her to touch it.

From behind the madness were the co-prisoners of the rampaging assassin. Almost all the residents of Irafas had made there way to the front of the torture hall. They looked at the reckless little girl make her way to the wall that trapped them inside hell for life, not moving an inch themselves. It was not out of fear that they didn't try to escape, to find a way out, the viewers had been broken for too long and found no the reason to live at all. However, a piece of them flared back to life, igniting a spark of wanting to live and go back to the loved they had been stripped from. They charged, all in sync tackling numerous guards in one fell swoop.

The years of bitter anger stored inside them surfaced through, as the people ranging from little kids to men and women in their late 50's beat their anger at the guards. A smile stretched across the running assassins face at the sight, her eyes twinkling with appreciation and respect.

The wall neared and so did the iron bars embedded in the wall to climb to the top. The concrete wall in total was four meters in width and many hundred metres long, circling around the whole prison. The assassin's hand thrust forth, grabbing into a metal bar and pulled herself up along the wall. She scaled the wall with inhumane agility and speed startling the guards on top of the wall when she emerged from under.

The queen of the Night stood strong, the wind pushing against her skinny and frail figure. The guards on the wall scurried towards the imposing female prisoner, long metal rods that were u-shaped at the ends in their hands, ready to capture the girl.

The queen raised her hand that was molded into a fist ,into the air. All the attention now rested upon the queen, she smirked at the blood bath on the ground, relishing the little freedom she had been able to achieve before the guards surrounded her. The u-shaped end of the metal rod circled around her neck.

Her hand still raised in the air, as if she had conquered over the prison, to show them, the ones that had put her in this wretched place that she will come after them. No matter what.


HELLO!! I welcome you new readers who have stumbled upon my book and are probably cringing at the sift of it. I am sorry about the horrible intro but I do hope that you will continue reading and supporting this book. First off in wanna say THANK YOU for even opening this book. Uhg I swear I am so paying a real editor to edit this. Ok forget that. Please remember to fill the little star in the corner of the page it would make my day. HEY! That rhymed, I am so smart. Oh and since this book is kindling depressing with all the killing I will have chapter or random updates where me and the characters in the book will talk face to face to develop there persona and for u have enjoy and laugh some.
Thank you for reading and bye.

Love, Dragon

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