Chapter 1 - When it began

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Chapter 1 - When it began


It's scary to think that so much could change in a day. Instantly the World you thought you knew is taken, and becomes a place so foreign to you, that it's terrifying. When this happens you realize how little authority you actually have over the World, and compared to the World how miniscule and unimportant you truly are.

Earlier today when eating breakfast, or riding the subway, or even when I was sitting in my painstakingly slow math class; not once would I have thought that later this evening virtually everything I knew would be ripped away from me. But unfortunately it did. All was changed for good and I could do nothing about it.


Friday June 1st, 2012. 4:20pm

I fumbled around with my keys, searching in frustration for the key that would open up the aparment door.

I carefully ldentified each key until I finally came across the right one. Thank God. I couldn't bear to be out in that hallway any longer, it was dark and dank, stank of piss and beer, and I could've sworn my neighbour was peaking through the crack of his door gawking at me. Eugh, pervert.

I thrust the key inside the keyhole, quickly turned it, and used all my body's strength to shove open the stiff door. As soon as I was in, I slammed the door behind me and threw my backpack to the floor; I really couldn't be bothered with homework now. I stumbled towards the couch and dropped down on top of it. I let out an exhausted sigh. School today was awful I'm almost certain I failed my major math exam, and on top of that I discovered that I have failed 2 courses . My parents will no doubt kill me...

I sat up straight and looked out of the window at the Brooklyn view. Well to be honest it was hardly a view. All I could see was the New York City train track and a run down chinese takeaway on the opposite side of the track. Speaking of trains I looked at the clock 4:29:55pm, oh great. I silently counted "5...4...3...2...1..." Until I heard the distant rumble of the 4:30 No. 22 train coming down the track towards my building. I know right? I know my trains. In a matter of seconds my whole apartment shook as if there was a earthquake . The train roared out loud forcing me to cover my ears with my hands. I hated living here by the trains especially at night. But there were so many more reason to why I hated living here.

Without warning there was loud, and sudden knock at my window cutting me off from thought and giving me a heart attack. There outside my window perched on one of the steps of the metal staircase that ran down the side of the building was my best friend, Cassie. She gave me a toothy grin and motioned me too open the window. I pulled myself up and went to lift the window up. As I did so, Cassie started to ramble on.

"Hiya Fi, how you doing? You look so tired? Are you're parents home? Can I stay for dinner? All my mum has is tinned beans and I cannot stand a third night of 'em!" I love this girl but God can she talk.

"Hi Cass, I'm fine I guess...just tired. No my parents are not home and I guess you can stay for dinner, but it's not going to be much of an improvement from tinned beans. Oh, and why are you here? I left you like an hour ago?"

"I told you why I'm here, bad dinner at home. Plus I needed some company and you are so conviently close!'

"Yep, one of the many disadvantages of living directly beneath you." I mutter

Cassie widened her eyes and gasped in mock horror. "Tut, tut, tut! You need to be more appreciative of me, little Miss Stroppy Pants."

She gave me a quick smile and skipped towards the kitchen presumably to grab some food. She ate, ate, and ate and yet she was the tiniest person I knew. She had big, bright blue eyes, sun kissed skin, and beautiful wavy brown hair that cascaded down her back. I looked down at my deep dark skin and fingered a strand of my ebony black hair that hung limply around my head. Sure I thought I was kind of pretty just not stunning, I was no Cassie.

"Hey Fi! Have you got any PopTarts?' Cassie yelled, while she hurled cookies, granola bars, and chips. A small smirk appeared on my lips as I watched her manically search.

Just as I was about to respond, a powerful scream rang through my ears, followed by a series of outcries. In these cries I heard so much fear, pain, and horror; I wanted to cry myself. The endless wails were emerging from down below on the New York streets. I panicked in bewilderment, what was happening?

Without warning a thunderous blast surfaces, so strong and forceful that I violently fall to the ground. My back throbbed with pain due to the fall but all I can think about the noise. The noise I presumed to be an explosion...


Cliffhanger huh? and on the first chapter! I am cruel :) so this is my first and new story! i hope you are liking it so far even though this is the first chapter. I know it was quite slow paced but thats because i just had to get all the basics down personality, looks, how they act, where they live and all that stuff. this is just the beginning so it will get better trust me!

please please vote, comment, fan, share for more to really want to continue, just do whatever floats yer unicorn!

Freida x

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