Pain Of The Past

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Where did he go? He was literally right there and now he's not. The wind blew strong nearly knocking me backwards. This is going to be one hell of a storm. I just hope that I'll catch David before it starts.
I headed in the direction that I saw him go and used that as a lead.
I can't believe I did that...I'm so stupid.
I've got to catch him some way, it'll be nearly impossible, the guy is faster than he looks.

Lasercorn pov

I could've stopped and let this all end, but there's that little part in me that wants me to continue to stay away. It's like I'm not even in control of my body anymore, each step I take is involuntary. Where am I going?

*time skip*

I try to fight myself to stop but to no avail, I just want to go back to the dorm...back to Wes where I'm safe. Someone please find me.

Don't worry honey, everything will be okay, mommy's here.

         Not this again, not now.

You're such a good boy, I can't wait to see what you grow up to be!

         I'm a disappointment

Sweetie, don't worry about me, your father is just upset.

         Lies. All lies

A few thoughts turned into a full blown flashback.
I'm a little kid again and I'm in my moms room and she's next to me "You know I love you, right?" She asks. "Of course I do, I love you too!" I said in a lighthearted tone. I know exactly where this is going, I can't say any of my current thoughts. This is the day my mom took her own life. Mom gave me a fake reassuring smile and ruffled my hair. "Such a fine young man, I'm proud of you." "Mom, are you feeling alright?"
"I don't want you to hold this against me, David, but..." She reaches underneath the bed and pulls out a handgun.
"Mom, what are you doing!?" I stare at her with fear written across my face. "David listen to me. You'll meet someone amazing one day and you won't have to think about me anymore. I love you so much, sweetheart, I need you to stay strong for me. I'm sorry I have to leave you so soon but I have to do this to get away from...him, I don't mean to make you sad, it just has to be this way. Keep your head up, David and you will see your life right in front of you." She gave me one last smile before she placed the barrel to her temple.

"Please forgive me."

I came to and realized where I am...the cemetery, I happened to be standing in front of my mom's grave. Oh god, why here?

Angela Moss
June 15th 1951-November 9th 1993
Mother, wife, and friend of many
Taken from us too soon

I dropped to my knees holding back tears. Growing up, I've always been told 'you'll get over it'...why does this still affect me so much? "Why did you have to leave me?" I said out loud. "I miss you, please come back!" A few tears managed to escape and trailed down my face before falling to the soil.


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