New School

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    Quick A/N:
Most, if not all of this story will be from Chloe's point of view.

    As I gazed out at the sea of students, mostly trying to ignore the guy to my left -who showed me around the school, for which I was thankful- and was now feebly attempting to flirt with me. Much to my own dismay, he continued, trying to touch my shoulder gently, or my waist. Every time, I shrugged him off. As he made another move toward my shoulder, the bell literally saved me, and everyone began to slowly shuffle through the school gates, giving me an excuse to run my happy little ass out of the situation.
    After double checking the locations of my classrooms on my map and making sure I had everything in my bag in order, a good way to avoid first day embarrassment, I started towards my first period class, Homeroom.
    After introducing myself to my teacher, Ms. Hayes, she told me to simply pick a seat. It was easier said than done, but my nerves barely calmed when I saw a mildly familiar face. It was a girl I had been introduced to by the prior mentioned flirt, named Kassandra Lox. Taking the empty seat next to her, I remained silent, pulling out a notebook and doodling blindly.
    "Hullo." The word startled me out of my trancelike state, I didn't expect Kassandra to talk to me. Nervously glancing around, I wanted to make sure she wasn't talking to anyone else nearby- the cute guy next to me named Mark, Melody, who sat across from me with curly blue hair in a boy cut, or Roxxy. The first time I saw her I was awestruck, she was so pretty, and her expressions were lively as she rambled excitedly about Frerard. After a double check, I realized she was talking to me.
    "Hi." I mumbled quietly, my attention shifting back to my doodling. Mark and Melody took interest, occasionally asking things, and I had begun to feel more comfortable. Before long, I knew all of their names, which classes I had with them, and where they sat at lunch.
    For the first time in a while, I had a group of friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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