Chapter two, part one- "Kepler-186f"

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It's been a couple of weeks since I hit Gerard with my car. Gerard turned out to be quite an astronomy geek himself; the other day when I mentioned Newton's law of universal gravitation, his response was to recite the formula. And my response was, of course, to smile all wide and giddy like the huge nerd I am.

Gerard actually called me a couple of times last week, and we had long conversations- from music, to physics, to movies, talking so openly and easily about anything that we had in common, which turned out to be a lot. He didn't seem to have a reason for calling, except for just talking to me, like a normal communicating social human being.

I started to really like Gerard. I don't usually connect with people my age, but Gerard, even though he was just twenty, had such an intellect that I couldn't help feeling drawn to and all I wanted to do is listen to him recite every formula he knows, and every theory he has.

The way he talked was so special for such a young person, and it sounded so familiar. I spent hours thinking about it, asking myself who it is that he reminds me of.

And then I got it. He spoke in the same manner that Mr. Edwards did, and Mr. Edwards was my favorite person to listen to. I guess now that title had another contestant.

Gerard hasn't called me since last week and I didn't call him either. I was pretty busy actually- studying for the astronomy competition. Not that I severely needed to study, but I did anyway. To make Mr. Edwards proud.

Every day after school, I went to Mr. Edwards' office and we'd go over the material, which, for me, was very fun. I like it when people can properly appreciate me for what I am.

Today was Saturday, and I spent most of the day in my room, on my belly, with a textbook opened in front of me and a pencil between my teeth. I liked studying by myself nearly as much as I enjoyed studying with Mr. Edwards.

But at about 6 pm, I decided that I studied enough for the day. I closed my textbook and got off of my bed, slipping into my oversized grey hoodie. It must be cold outside.

I quickly ran down the stairs, to meet my mom's face at the bottom of them.

"Frank, what did I tell you about running down the stairs?" She asked me sternly. I know she hates it when I do that, but I can't help forgetting from time to time.

"It's dangerous, I know, I'm sorry mom." I kissed her on the cheek.

"Be careful, okay baby?" She asked and I nodded as I went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a carton of milk out of the fridge.

I drink milk by the carton. It helps me feel awake, and even though I'm not a little kid anymore, I can honestly say that milk is my drink of choice. We usually buy about six cartons of milk every time we go shopping, because I end up drinking nearly everything all the time.

My dad was sitting at the kitchen table, as he usually does, reading a book with his old brown reading glass.

"How's your studying going, Frank?" He asked me, not tearing his eyes from the book.

"Great, how else could it go, it's me, remember?" I said, as I unscrewed the cap of the milk carton. My dad let out a chuckle and took off his glasses. I took a large sip of the cold milk, and wiped my mouth with my sleeve. My dad got up and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Keep up the good work, eh?" He told me, and I nodded with a mouthful of milk.

"Do you mind if I borrow your laptop? I wanna do some stargazing." I asked him.

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